Chapter 4

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I pressed my hands on my ears, trying to cancel out as much noise as possibly. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear them scream at each other again. Calling each other names. Making each other responsible for everything bad happening in our family. I hear my sister entering my room, sobbing, slamming the door behind her. She threw herself on my bed, looking at me through her tears. "I can't stand this anymore. He only comes home to yell at her. What if he hurts any of us?" I got up to get her some tissues. I didn't reply to what she said though. He's not hurting anyone. I know that. He just likes to put others at fault for his own shit. I got used to it. My sister should too. She seems to be close to a panic attack. The yelling downstairs gets more and more intense every minute. Are the neighbours hearing this? Are they going to call the police? Do they think there's some kind of domestic abuse happening in our house? Well, is it happening? Is this normal? Do all families argue like this? Why isn't she just throwing him out? Why is she always excusing everything he does? I know they're married but are they in love? Were they ever? I don't even know what's louder at this point. My parent's arguement or my sister sobbing? What am I supposed to do? I want to cry. But right now, I'm the only still somewhat calm and reasonable. I'm the only sturdy rock in these restless waves of chaos. I have to keep sane. I have to keep calm and collected. For the sake of my family.


My head hurt like hell. I tried opening my eyes but even the slight movement of my eyelids shot a sharp pain through my skull. Groaning, I slowly opened my eyes. As my vision slowly became clear, I moved my eyes around in an attempt to look around as much as possinble without having to move my head as I feared the pain would become unbearable. It seemed like I was laying in a bed. Not my bed, that was for sure. The covers were a dusty old off-white color, probably not properly washed in a long time. The mattress didn't feel as soft and comfortable as mine. It felt rather worn-out. I looked at the wall before my eyes. The wallpaper looked dusty and old too. I could make out some edges of it separating themselves from the wall as the glue apparently was way too old to properly stick anymore. And I thought my house was kinda shabby. Still looks a whole lot better than this crusty room.

Wait a minute. If this isn't my house, where am I? As my head became clearer now, I thought about what happened right before I went to sleep. Or blacked out. What was it? I tried to slowly sit up on the bed. The old wood creaked, sending another pain through my head. As I was trying to get up I noticed something. There were chains on my ankles and wrists. I'm chained to the bed? What? While staring at the chains I remember. I walked home after the party. I arrived just to see my parents dead and my sister being eaten by a crazy cannibal. That cannibal saw me and tried to kill me too. I fought him off as much as I could. He hit my head on the kitchen floor. I blacked out. And then what? He brought me into a rundown old house? What time was it even? Luckily, there was a window in the room. Judging from the light coming inside the room, i thought it might be early morning. So I was out for a few hours then.

I looked at the chains again. Maybe there's some way to open them. I examined them carefully for a second. The weren't very long but definitely long enough so at least on the bed I could move around a bit. I wasn't sure if I could get up from the bed or even walk just a step or two. Slowly feeling a sense of panic kicking in as I realized more clearly that I have been kidnapped by a cannibalistic maniac and chained down so he'd basically have an easy game attacking me, I started ripping on the chains. Shit, what the hell! I tried flailing my arms around like a crazy person as if I could somehow break the chains with just my own body's strength. All the creaking of the bed and rattling of the chains seemed to have made it very clear that I am awake though. I started hearing footsteps approaching and just a few seconds later the door swung open. I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at the figure standing in the doorframe.

He just kept standing there and staring for what felt like minutes going by, not saying a word and slightly tilting his head to the side like he was thinking about something. It was really hard to figure out what he was thinking though since the mask just covered all possible facial features. Suddenly, he started moving towards me. I scrambled away until my back hit the wall on the side of the bed. Since I had no more room to get away, soon he was right up in the face. Seeing him all up close like that, I noticed some kind of black liquid on his mask dripping down from the eye holes. Talking about eye holes, It almost looked like those holes go deep into his skull instead of just being black circles on his mask. Did he not have eyes? Why is it so black? What is that liquid? The more I looked at him the more question started welling up inside of me and I increasingly became more scared of the situation I was currently in.

After staring into my eyes (I think? hard to say with this black void for eyes) he roughly grabbed my chin to pull my head forward a bit and turn it to the side. "Ouch, what are you doing?" I blurted out. Turning my head so abruptly definitely didn't do anything good to my headache. He didn't react to it at all though. He just kept looking at something and just left the room. What was that about? Without thinking about it longer, he soon came back into the room with a little box and some kinda washcloth in his hand. He placed it down on the bed, sitting down next to it and looking at me again with those empty, black holes. With every possible horror scenario running through my head at the moment, I swallowed hard and slowly started scooting away from him as much as I could with these chains on my limbs.

"Don't move."

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now