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        No matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise, there was always just one option for me. We made a promise to each other. He was honest and I stay with him. And he has never been anything else towards me. Even if he couldn't express it properly. Even if I misunderstood his intentions sometimes. He was never dishonest. And I couldn't deny my feelings towards him.

I felt love for Alex. We were friends for so many years. He was like a brother to me. He was family. Most definitely one of the most important people in my life. However, the love I felt for Jack was way different. Maybe it was just Stockholm Syndrome. Maybe it was some weird psychological trick. But it felt right. I felt good having him so close to me. I felt safe. And I knew he felt something towards me too. Even if he didn't directly say it, he showed it to me many times.

It didn't take much time for me to leap off the couch and run after him. Run into his arms, affirming that I'd never choose anyone else over him. Seeing his visible relief and feeling his arms wrap around me tightly, I knew I made the right choice. And I knew I wouldn't regret this. Watching him pull off his mask to throw it to the ground before leaning down to press his lips onto mine, I felt his affection for me. The affection he couldn't put into words. But the affection he conveyed through his actions. Through his deep kiss and his tight hug. Through his hands wrapping around my waist or holding my head gently. His fingers carefully stroking my cheek as he placed one kiss after another on my lips. Continueing to do so for a few moments, until slowly letting go of me.

There wasn't much to pack for our journey. A few books to kill time. Some food for the way until we could gather some more. I wasn't sure how we and where we would travel but I trusted Jack. He always knew what he was doing and I didn't have any problems putting my future into his hands. Quite the opposite. Although I felt very nervous, I was also incredibly excited about this journey with him.

Finishing all our packing, we each took our bag and left the house, taking off into the forest. I looked back at the little house in the middle of the forest. The house I only spent a few weeks in. Most of the time involuntarily. And yet, I looked back at it fondly as it was the place where I got closer to Jack.

Jack. The murderer. The cannibal. But ironically, also the man I loved.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now