Chapter 1

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        I would like to say I just woke up and started my normal day with my normal family. Unfortunately, my family isn't normal. I guess it is more normal than some families. But less normal than others. Technially, I live with my parents and my older sister. However, my father hasn't been around for a while. I don't know where he is. Sometimes, I guess he just gets bored of us and leaves to live somewhere else for while. Usually until he doesn't have any money anymore, so he comes back to take some of my mom's money. She works a lot but only earns minimum wage so at the end of the day she doesn't have much money either. Enough to take care of her children but definitely not enough to finance whatever my father is doing.

Whenever he is home again, he honestly doesn't interact with any of us anyway. He just spends the whole day on the couch, demanding food and occasionally getting up to smoke a cigarette in the hallway. I asked him countless times to go outside with them since I hate the smell of it but he never does so at some point I just gave up asking.

My mom is doing her best. She's out of the house for usually 12 hours every day but when she's home she tries to take care of everyone as much as she can. I appreciate it but it would definitely be easier if my father was more reliable and also contributed at least something to the family. I guess at least he's not a violent person though.

The violent person at home is my sister. I never got along with her. I suppose it's fairly normal to argue with your siblings. But usually siblings can bond over at least something every now and then. I don't know what her problem is. Whenever something in her life is somewhat wrong, no matter if she just got a bad grade in school or if our parents argue, somehow it's always my fault and she starts picking fights with me. Yelling at me for everything even if I just spent the day in my room doing nothing. When our parents don't look she pushes me around. She nearly pushed me down the stairs once. She's constantly picking fights with our parents too. If I don't hear my parents argueing with each other, then they're argueing with my sister. At this point all their argueing is like a lullaby i listen to regularly before I go to sleep. Not the greatest life but it's fine. I just have to finish school and move out.

Whenever my sister or my parents bother me too much, I just go out into the nearby forest. I've been doing it for many years so at this point I know a part of the forest like the back of my hand. I'm actually not sure how big the forest is in total, I usually stay at least somewhat close to home so I can still easily return to my house when I'm tired or cold. I just like sitting somewhere between the trees and listen to the birds or watch some squirrels. If I'm really lucky, there might even be a deer walking by. It's just so peaceful.

School ended about an hour ago and I knew my mom was still working. I wasn't really in the mood to watch my sister and my father argue about something again so instead of walking home, I just went straight into the forest. The last year of school was in full swing and the final exams were the next big thing which means I was already kinda late with my plans for whatever happens after school. There were just so many options and I wasn't sure what exactly I was really interested in. Partially, I just came into the forest to think about it. There must be something to look forward to after all the school stress and exams are over. Though I guess that's most likely just going to be university stress and even harder exams. Maybe I shouldn't be thinking about it too much after all.

Since the sun slowly started to set, i decided maybe it's time to go home now after all. My mom should be home in maybe an hour or two so I don't have to be alone with the troublemakers of the family for too long. So still a bit hesitantly, I started making my way back, leisurely stepping over some roots and low bushes, careful not to scrape my legs on any thorns or accidentally step right into a spider net. I looked up and watched some of the sun rays make their way through the thick crowns of the trees. It was pretty warm and sunny already for this time of the year. Better for me. That meant I could spend more time in the forest and it was just much more comfortable.

It didn't take long until I left the dense part of the forest and entered the more crowded part with more people walking their dogs or just going on walks or whatever. And within just a few minutes I stood in front of my house. Unfortunately, I didn't see my mom's car parked outside yet. I only saw the shabby car of my dad. I don't know how badly he treats that car or what kinda muddy paths he drives through all the time but the least he could do is just wash it every now and then. But then again, I guess the shabby car matches the shabby house.

My parents bought a rather old house a few years ago because they were very convinced they could just renovate it and make it look new and great. It started off really nicely, but eventually my father had another episode of being bored and leaving. And since money has been kinda tight since then, we never really finished the renovations. Though from outside the house looked fine. Pretty ordinary light brick walls with red roof tiles. Just the front yard was a mess since none of us really liked to do any gardening so it was mostly just full of different weeds. Well, inside the house some rooms were still kinda ugly though. Some rooms were still missing the wallpapers we bought but never ended up putting on. Some rooms were missing carpets that we never even managed to buy so far. But it's livable. It has everything we need. It's just not as pretty as we hoped it would.

I unlocked the door, struggling with the lock as it had been kinda broken for quite a while now, jiggling my keys back and forth for a while until it finally opened, internally cursing about it and hoping we just fix it soon. Taking my shoes off and hanging my jacket on one of the racks, I walked through the long hallway, passing the living room on my way and seeing my father asleep on the couch with the TV running. So he's back again? Good to know. I didn't pay much more attention to him, knowing that he will just leave after he had the comfort of our living room for a while. I kept walking until I reached the kitchen and looked for some lunch. Throwing some of the leftovers from the day before into the microwave, I also got some cola to drink and eventually made my way upstairs into my room. I usually tried to just be as quiet as possible upstairs to not draw the attention of my sister too much. I sit down at my laptop and look for anything interesting on YouTube to watch while i eat.

Since everything seemed kinda boring I just took my phone instead and started scrolling through TikTok and instagram instead. After a while, suddenly a text message lit up on my phone like an angel ready to save my mind from this endless boredom of unfunny posts.

"Hey, there's a party tonight. Do you wanna come too?"

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