Chapter 10

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"Why aren't you saying anything? You always leave me alone." She yells at me. I only went into the kitchen to get some lunch and ran into her. I didn't even start any conversation. She just brought up some issues with our father again. I don't want to talk about this right now. He left just a little while ago, Mom is at work right now. I'm alone with her. I hate this. I hate being alone with her. There's no one here to interrupt her yelling and giving me a chance to run into my room. "Why are you always just accepting everything? You have to say something! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I just wanted to put my food in the microwave to heat it up but she grabs my shoulders and turns me around to face her. With a strong grip on both of my shoulders I can't turn back to my food anymore. Her grip hurts my shoulder. I winced slightly. "Talk to me!" She yells right in my face. I don't know what to say. She's scaring me. I don't like getting yelled at. With her grip still on my shoulders she starts shaking me.

"Ouch, stop that, let go!" I say, trying to shake her hands off me. She looks at me angrily and pushes me away to the side. Nearly tripping I stagger but catch myself before I could hit the ground.

"Oh right, why would you say something. You're just a spoilt brat anyway. They always give you everything you want, little princess. Why would you say something against them?" She pushes me again, this time I really trip and fall down on my butt. I just want to take my food and go into my room. Hell, forget the food just let me leave. There's nothing I can say to calm her down anyway. She just somehow sees me as her enemy all the time. "You're just the most useless sister. I can't wait to turn 18 and leave all of you behind. I'm never gonna talk to any of you again." Why don't you just start that now. Still sitting on the floor I hang my head and look at my lap. Just let me leave. I don't want to get yelled at anymore. I feel tears well up in my eyes. "Crying isn't gonna help you, Mom isn't here to see it. Don't even bother." I sigh. Just let me leave. Stop yelling. Please...


I woke up abruptly. These dreams are just not really granting me a good night's rest. And they sure as well make it a bit harder for me to miss my family. At least this masked freak wasn't yelling at me the whole time. I really hated getting yelled at. Well, I suppose nobody is really loving getting yelled at. I sighed, turning around in bed and rubbing my eyes. At least my head wasn't hurting that much anymore. My hand however, well, the climbing around really didn't help the healing process. But I guess that was just my own fault. I looked out the window to figure out what time it might be. Seemed like the sun was just setting, so it's probably early evening. My failed climbing attempt was I guess sometime in the afternoon? My sense of time was slowly getting worse and worse every day. But I was pretty sure the sun was setting right now. So I slept only for a few hours. I sat up, deciding to at least try and stretch a bit. Only when I stretched up my arms way above my head did I notice that I didn't feel the weight of the chains on my limbs. Confused, I looked at my wrists to double check. And behold, there were no chains attached. And my ankles were also free.

Did he forget to lock my chains again? He must've. He was probably preoccupied with his own wounds when he was done tending to mine. Slightly relieved, I stretched again. This might be a good opportunity to get out. Getting out of bed, I tried to stand up and move to the window only to feel my legs wobble and completely give out causing me to fall down to the ground again. Seemed like I was still way too exhausted to even properly stand. Barely touching any of the food he gave me the past few days probably didn't help my physical strength either. Escaping was apparently off the table for now. I had to focus on recovering first. I pulled myself up into the bed again and sighed. It's probably gonna take some time until he brings me food again.

Come to think of it, I didn't even really know what kinda sleep rhythm he had. I assumed he was more nocturnal, given that he was probably going out murdering people when it's dark. I assumed he probably went to sleep sometime very early in the morning and got up in the afternoon again. He always brought me food around the same time every day. At least I thought so. It made sense. I spent all the time I was awake just staring at a wall so it was kinda hard to keep track of time. And I felt like it was slowly driving me insane. There was just nothing to do especially while I was chained up in my bed. Before I was dying of boredom, I decided to try something.

I got up from the bed again, very carefully so my legs had time to adjust to holding my weight. When I was sure I wouldn't immediately fall again, I stepped over to the door. It was locked so I couldn't just leave. I decided to try and get his attention though, so I knocked on the door. "Hey!" I shouted. In that moment I realized I didn't even know his name. Maybe It would be easier to directly call out to him is I could use his name. Maybe I would find that out later. I hammered on the door once more and called out to him until I heard footsteps slowly approach the door. When I heard the door getting unlocked, I took a few steps back sitting down on my bed again. The door opened and he stuck his head into my room, staring at me with his empty, black eyes. Usually he was wearing a hood over his head, covering pretty much everything in combination with the mask hiding his face. As he stuck his head into my room, he didn't wear his hood though. I could clearly see his hair for the first time. He had straight, brown hair which was currently pointing in every direction and partly covering his mask. It looked like he also just spent some time in bed resting.

Realizing I just stared at me without saying anything for way too long I snapped back to my senses and focused on my initial goal. "Uhm, do you maybe have a book or something?" He tilted his head, not saying anything for a while and just staring at me. He seemed to really enjoy just staring at people. He did that quite often. "I just... I'm staring at the wall the whole time, it's boring." I continued. Why would he care if I'm bored? It probably didn't matter to him. But I just decided to try and ask before I really thought about it more. He scratched the back of his head before closing the door again. I heard his footsteps move away from my room. Was that a no? At least he didn't notice my missing chains. Or did he just not care? While I was thinking, I heard his footsteps again. The door to my room opened once again and he entered with several books stacked on top of each other. He placed them on the dresser a few feet away from the bed. He didn't say anything while he was on his way out again.

I looked after him, thanking him while looking after him. He only gave my a small nod before turning to the door again. Just before he pulled the door shut behind him, I called out "Wait! Uh... What's your name?" He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around to look at me, tilting his head slightly. I guess he was taken aback by my question? Hell, even I didn't know why I was suddenly so interested in his name. I was gonna escape as soon as possible anyway. But at least I could address him properly, instead of calling him 'masked kidnapper' or something. He looked at me silently for another second.

"Jack." He mumbled before shutting the door and locking it behind him again.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now