Chapter 40

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        There was no way I could catch up to him. He was way faster than me. And the pain in my shoulder slowed me down even more. I wasn't even sure why I was chasing him. I didn't know what I would even do when I really caught up to him. And I didn't know if I was even running in the right direction. I didn't know if he was still staying in that house in the forest. Maybe the police already raided that place and he had to escape to a different area. But I still decided to try. I ran towards the forest. It was dark outside and the street lamps weren't lighting up much of my way. But I knew where to go. I just wasn't sure if I could properly remember the way to the house. The forest was huge and I definitely had to run for quite a while to get out of it when I escaped. But no matter how much I convinced myself that this was a horrible idea, I just couldn't get my feet to stop moving. I wasn't sure what I expected to do or say when I actually came across Jack but I felt like I had a chance to sort things out. Well, if you could even call it that. It wasn't like we were friends during a silly argument. Maybe I was just about to run into my own death.

I ran for quite a while until I reached the forest. I hesitated for a moment before I slowly stepped into it, making my way through the trees and bushes, entering pretty much complete darkness. Well, at least the moon was shining and lighting up the area a little bit. Why did I do this? No idea. Probably the most stupid thing I ever did. I gripped the scalpel in my hand a bit tighter as I proceeded to walk into the forest. I tried to remember the view I had from the trees near the house to figure out the vague direction I had to go in. "Jack?" I called out into the darkness. There was no answer. Of course not. I didn't even see which direction he ran in. Maybe he didn't even run towards the forest. "Jack? Are you here?" I called out again. It seemed useless. He might've already been way too far gone to even hear me. Maybe he was already back at the house and getting into bed or something. What was I even doing here? I left Alex and his mom to chase after a psychopath. Alex was badly hurt and I left him. After everything he did for me, I couldn't even help him.

Feeling the adrenaline from chasing Jack slowly leave my body I fell to my knees. I felt the stinging pain in my shoulder and bit my lip again. Tears were welling up in my eyes again. I shouldn't have left like this. I should've helped Alex. I should've just called an ambulance and the police. I should've told on Jack right from the start and prevent all the things that happened to Alex' family.

No, it was right not to tell anyone about Jack. I didn't want him to be caught. I didn't want him to rot in jail. He treated me badly most of the time. But remembering his expressions on his face when we talked, I realized maybe I misunderstood some of his intentions. When he asked me about all my nightmares, he didn't want to use them against me. He was genuinely interested. Maybe even worried. He wanted to know more about me. And I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know why he looked like that. I wanted to know why he was doing all these things. What happened to make him the way he was?

He did many horrible things. In some way he was a bad person. But in another way he was a smart but introverted person. All his medical and psychological knowledge wasn't something you could easily obtain. He had to really get into it and study it to be that good at it. And he read all kinds of novels as well. He was clean and organized. He was quiet, but he thought intensely about his actions. He wasn't just some random mad killer. There was more to him. And I wanted to find out what was hiding behind that blue mask.

I got back up on my feet and started walking again, still gripping Jack's scalpel in my hand. "Jack!" I called out as I was walking pretty much aimlessly through the dark forest. If I called out often enough he had to hear me at some point, right? I kept walking into the direction I assumed the house was in, repeatedly calling out into the darkness. It seemed so pointless but I didn't want to give up. I knew he was there somewhere. He just had to be.

Suddenly, I felt something grab me from behind, pulling me back to whirl me around and push me back again right into a nearby tree. It wasn't hard to make out the dark figure before me as the masked killer I was just looking for. Jack grabbed the collar of my hoodie with both fists, pushing me back so hard I had difficulties breathing. Pushing my injured shoulder right into the rough bark of the tree made me wince as I looked up at him.

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice dripping anger. I tried to talk and opened my mouth but the pressure he put on my chest was too hard and I couldn't get any words out. His grip only tightened as he stared me down, waiting for an answer. "Why did you follow me? Leading the cops here to get rid of me?" I quickly shook my head but he still kept me in his deathly grip. "Then what?" He growled. The pain in my shoulder almost became unbearable again and I felt like he just might break in my whole ribcage. I frantically looked around but of course, there was nothing around. My mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do and how to get myself out of this now. However, I could only come up with one option.

My hands trembled hard as I shifted the scalpel around in my hand before slowly reaching up. I gripped the scalpel close to the blade, pointing the handle at Jack as I brought it up next to his face to offer it to him.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin