Chapter 5

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        Hearing his voice for the first time sent a chill down my spine. It wasn't particularly deep or high. It sounded kinda raspy, as if he didn't use it for a while. He only said two words but still managed to intimidate me way more than I'd like to admit. There was just a threatening undertone in his voice. Like something bad would happen if I didn't do what he said. So even with my heart beating like crazy and everything inside me screaming to run I tried to keep as still as possible. And glancing at the chains again, I didn't really have much room to move anyway. I kept pressing myself to the wall behind me, watching as he took the little box and opened it to reveal a first aid kit. First aid? What?

"Come closer." He used his hand to motion for me to get away from the wall. Still confused and scared I didn't dare to leave the very little safety I felt from feeling the wall on my back as that at least reassured me no attacks can come from behind. Instead, I just stared at him. Even with the mask covering his face I could practically feel the annoyance in the room and swallowed hard before he very quickly grabbed me by the collar and ripped my body towards him, causing me to fall over and nearly land face first on the bed if he hadn't still held me up. He grabbed my chin again to move my head to the side. "Stay like that." He said with an increasingly threatening undertone now. He turned my head away from him. I couldn't see what he's doing anymore. I only heard shifting of the sheets as he moved. Internally already planning my own funeral I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for some kind of attack from behind. I felt something touch the back of my head and immediately let out a yelp and winced. However, I quickly realized it felt very soft. Was it the washcloth he brought to my room? What was he doing? I felt him dab a spot on the back of my head with the cloth before, I assumed, wrapping my head up with some gauze roll. Was he treating the injury on the back of my head that I got when he smashed my head on the floor? Why?

When I was pretty sure he was done I slowly turned around to look at him. He was putting away the tools from the first aid kit, closed off the box and got up from the bed without looking at me again and just left the room, locking the door on his way out. Now even more confused than before, I touched my head and indeed feeling some sort of gauze wrapped around it. Thanks I guess? In an attempt to calm my still racing heart i carefully laid back down on the bed. Wait, no. He left. He locked the door so he's probably not coming back in the next few minutes. I should look for a way to get out. I shot back up again and looked around the room. There really wasn't anything besides the bed and a dresser a few feet away from me on the opposite wall. Taking a look at the chains again I decided to try out how far I can move. Turns out, even standing up from the bed was a big no. So reaching that dresser was an automatic no as well. So time to search this bed for something that could help. The chains themselves seemed to be the only things that weren't old and dusty. They unfortunately looked very strong and sturdy so breaking them wasn't an option. Maybe I could pick the locks on them somehow though. I just needed something. A needle, hairpin, paperclip. Something like that. I grabbed my head again, feeling through my hair, hoping maybe I used some hairpin yesterday that's still stuck in there but I wasn't very lucky with that.

I looked through the sheets on the bed and felt around the wood for maybe even just splinters that I could somehow recycle, though I wasn't even sure If you could pick a lock with wooden splinters. But desperate times call for creative ideas. Finally, I stretched as far as the chains let me to look under the bed. And behold an old hair pin stuck in dust but within my limited reach. Score! Picking up the hair pin I internally praised myself for randomly watching lockpicking tutorials at 2am when I couldn't sleep. I basically needed two tools. I broke of a splinter from the old wooden bed. Thats going to be my lever. Then, I bent the hair pin around a bit to create my pick. So luckily I had everything to at least get myself free from the bed. I stuck the wooden splinter in the first lock on my left ankle, followed by my pick, wiggling it around and doing my best to follow what I remember from the tutorial I watched. It took me quite a while and just as I started to get really frustrated with it, I heard a click. I nearly screamed of joy when I felt the weight of the chain lift from my ankle. All right, three more to go. I tried to internally hype myself up as I still had problems trying to get the chains off my other ankle and my wrists.

After what felt like an eternity I finally managed to get all four chains off. I jumped up from the bed, standing up and stretching when I heard the wooden flooring underneath me creak under my weight. Suddenly horrified that my masked kidnapper might've heard it too and figured out I escaped I stood very still for a minute to listen out for any kind of noise in the other side of the door. When I was sure there were no footsteps approaching or anything, I slowly and carefully made my way over to the window. I heard him locking the door earlier and I also wasn't sure how big the house was and how high the chances are of running straight into him. So I thought I'd check first if the window might be a better escape route.

When I reached the window I looked outside to see a forest stretched out on the other side of the window. Looking down I realized I was on the ground floor. So basically I'd just have to open the window and I could jump out safely. Perfect. Still scared that the creaking of the window could rat me out, I very slowly tried to open it. I couldn't avoid all of the creaking but I just prayed that the masked cannibal wouldn't hear it as I opened the window enough so I could fit through it and jumped outside into freedom.

My first steps were still very careful, constantly turning around to check if I see him anywhere. I took a quick glance at the house I just escaped from. Seemed like just a normal little house in the middle of the woods. Old, for sure. Looked somewhat abandoned too. Obviously, nobody really cared for this house in quite a while. But whatever, my main goal was leaving anyway and hopefully never returning. When I created a good distance between me and the house I took off running. With now all of the adrenaline kicking in that was previously building up inside me I just ran. I didn't look back anymore, I only wanted to leave. I wasn't even sure where the next street was but it didn't matter. I got lost in the forest on my walks many times, getting out was way less problematic than having to deal with a cannibalistic kidnapper so my first priority was to get far enough away from him. I ran until i was more or less sure he wouldn't be able to reach me quickly when he figured out I escaped. With my lungs burning and my legs starting to give out I decreased my speed and started walking instead, occasionally using trees for support.

As the adrenaline in my blood slowly decreased and I thought about how to get to the nearest street, I heard branches cracking behind me.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now