Chapter 46

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        Jack remained frozen for just a few seconds, probably trying to grasp what I just did. I still held his collar tightly as he leaned down further to close the distance between us once again. While I kissed him rather softly just now, he now switched to a more rough way which I didn't mind at all. My hands wandered from his collar around his neck, as I held him tightly to me with one arm while I buried my other hand in his hair. It always looked so messy but it felt surprisingly soft. He kept his arm next to my head for support while his other hand slid down my side, resting on my waist.

I never really specifically thought about it and I wasn't even completely sure why I kissed Jack in the first place, but feeling him so close to me and now kissing him over and over again made one thought very clear in my mind. Maybe this was just another horribly stupid idea but I couldn't help it. I really fell for this psychopathic cannibal. I couldn't be sure how he felt, but it seemed like he at least felt really attached to me too. Jack slowly parted from me and chuckled.

"Maybe you're right. This might actually be even better than torturing you." Placing another short kiss on my lips, he lowered his voice a bit. "But I might just do both."

"Dipshit." I mumbled, rolling my eyes. We stayed like that, just looking at each other silently for a bit until I suddenly felt a yawn creeping up.

"Are you tired?" Jack asked while chuckling.

"I'm good." I said, letting out another yawn.

"You mentioned you haven't slept much lately. Maybe we should just go to sleep now. You're probably just exhausted." Jack lifted himself up and rolled on his side next to me. Now that he mentioned it, I really felt a bunch of exhaustion from everything wash over me and my eyelids started feeling heavy.

"Alright." I mumbled, turning my back to him and burying my face into the pillow. I felt Jack wrap his arm around me.

"Sleep well." He said, placing a kiss on my head.

"Hey, Jack?" I asked quietly.

"Hm?" He hummed. I hesitated for a moment.

"Nevermind. Sleep well." I really wanted to know how he felt about me. But maybe this wasn't the right time to ask. Or maybe I was just way too embarrassed to ask a question like that. I didn't want to potentially ruin the moment either. Feeling tired, I nestled into his embrace a bit more and soon fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. It took me a few seconds of staring blankly at it until I realized it was the ceiling of Jack's room as I slowly remembered everything that happened last night. Rubbing my eyes, I turned my head to the side only to stare directly into Jack's face. His eyes were closed and he was breathing steadily. He was most likely still asleep. I took this chance to get a good view of his face without him giving me some smug grins and stupid comments in return. He wore his mask so much I almost forgot what his face even looked like. With his eyes closed like that, you couldn't notice that his actual eyeballs were missing. He looked pretty normal. Apart from the skin. But his face still looked so handsome. My gaze wandered across his face, only to stop at his lips. I felt a sudden wave of embarrassment hit me. What the hell did I do last night? Why did I do that so suddenly? I looked away from him and buried my face in the covers as I felt my cheeks heat up. I never really thought about him in that way and suddenly I just go and do that? But to be fair, he started it by carrying me into his bedroom like that and demanding I sleep in his bed. But then again he also said he was gonna torture me again. He was just so confusing. What was he really thinking? Should I just ask? As I laid there, panicking about what I should do, I felt the covers get pulled away from me, exposing my probably really red face.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked with a pretty attractive, deep morning voice, obviously still pretty sleepy. He looked at me, raising an eyebrow as he waited for an answer.

"Uh, nothing?"

"Why is your face so red?"

"No reason?"

"Can you answer without making it sound like you're asking a question?" He gave me an amused smile. I grumpily pulled the covers away from him to bury my face once again, turning my back to him. "Hm, you're getting a little too cocky around me." I felt his hand touch my back with his fingers gently wandering over a specific area. "Maybe I should just take on of your kidneys after all. I'm sure you'll calm down a bit again." He purred right by my ear with a teasing, slightly threatening voice. I felt a shiver run down my spine as his breath tickled my neck. "Anyway." He quickly moved away from me and jumped off the bed, leaving me alone and suddenly kinda cold. "I'll go shower." I looked after him as he left the room without even sparing another glance at me. There he goes, being confusing again. I sighed and decided to get up as well to look for something to eat.

I rummaged through the cabinets in the kitchen, trying to find something edible that wasn't a raw human organ. Luckily, I found some of the canned food I definitely missed while I was gone, well within my reach so I didn't have to reach up and potentially hurt my shoulder again. While I was eating my breakfast, I heard the bathroom door open and steps around the hallway. Seemed like Jack was done with his shower. Hm, I wonder if he might just walk around in nothing but a towel. I thought to myself, quickly shaking my head to get rid of that thought. Geez, stay calm. I internally scolded myself. A short time later, Jack emerged from the hallway, unfortunately all dressed up in his usual jeans and hoodie. His hair was still wet and hanging down his face. He walked over to the living room to sit in his armchair, grabbing a book from the coffee table and started reading. When I finished my bowl, I quickly cleaned it up and walked over towards Jack to take a seat on the couch. I grabbed the book I was reading the night before and soon we both silently read by ourselves next to each other. Even though we didn't talk, it still felt comfortable to be around each other like this. I smiled to myself at the thought of it. I would've never imagined everything to turn out this way. But I'm definitely not complaining.

Object of Desire ; Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now