The Aftermath

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"Zoro, are you ACTUALLY going to kill him?" Joben nervously asked. The two other brothers changed their expressions from excited to distraught. Zoro was about to kill Kura, but the Straw Hats then interfered?

Oh. Okay.

"Zoro, think twice about what you're abou-" Ruto was cut off by the sound of a slashing sound next to him as blood splattered over his eyes. He looked down to see that Zoro had thrust a knife into his brother's chest.

"Zoro...why would you do that?" Suke added.

"Why the hell do you think?" Zoro responded darkly. This caused the three brothers to freeze in fear.

"He trash - talked Mom. That's a sin that nobody should be able to commit." Zoro silently walked away from his plate of macaroni and cheese, up to the billboard that held wanted posters in the Shimotsuki family. He then proceeded to rip off all of Kura's wanted posters and cut them into pieces.

"Zoro! Stop right now!" Ruto screamed. But Zoro retaliated by drawing his Kitetsu and pointing it at the three of them.

"I'm only here to protect Joben. Don't forget that. I'm not suddenly a part of your family." As he sheathed his sword and walked out of the palace into the training yards.


Sanji slowly arose from his apparent 'slumber' to find that the Straw Hats were all placed into one part of a cell with white walls and white flooring. There was only one window, and it was on the outside of the cell. Anybody could see inside the cell if they were outside, but nobody inside the cell could see outside.

It was basically just solitary confinement at its best. Just without the confinement.

"So that Marimo chucked us in here, huh? Still, why did he give me this key?" Sanji took the key out of his pocket and inspected it carefully.

Sanji wiped off a few sweat drops with his shirt. That's when he noticed something. He was changed into a different shirt and trouser. He wasn't wearing his normal wine coloured clothes that he was wearing in Wano, but he was instead wearing an orange shirt labelled, 'Prisoner 32.' 

"Have the others woken up yet? I'd better check that they're all here." Sanji began to count them.

"Nami, Robin, Luffy, Chopper, Franky, Usopp and Brook. Good. They're all here." Sanji mumbled with a sigh of relief after counting his fellow crew members and his own captain.

"I need to get us out of here. But the question is how...the key's that the mosshead gave me won't help unless some person helps and gets the key to unlock this door from the outside. That probably won't happen because there's nobody outside that would be dumb enough to unlock the door for us...Right? Should I try it? No, then I would risk having the key taken away. Maybe I can get their cuffs off though..." Sanji thought, looking at all the Devil Fruit users on their crew. 

"There are 4. Okay. This shouldn't be too hard. Hopefully the guards don't notice the sound of me trying to unlock seastone cuffs." 

Quickly, Sanji took his key that Zoro had slipped in and unlocked the cuffs that Robin had on. He then heard the sound of muffling outside his cell and keys jangling around the door.

"I better make this quick." Sanji thought, as he finally unlocked Robin's cuffs and laid slowly down on the floor, in front of Robin's uncuffed hands, closing his eyes.

Two guards then entered the room; they saw a bunch of pirates slumped over each other on one side of the cell. Everyone was knocked out and everything was fine. 

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