peak chapter (or not)

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"Urouge, answer this question in full honesty." Chopper started to breathe a bit more heavily.

Urouge widened his eyes a fraction.

"What was the second capturers name?"

"My memory's still foggy, but I think I heard the words Tornado and Club. Does that mean anything to you?" Urouge asked, and the Straw Hats stiffened at the sound of the name 'Tornado' and 'Club'.

"Did this person have any type of ship near the place where you were beaten up?" Robin chimed in.

"No, but I remember seeing a hot air ba-"

"A HOT AIR BALLOON?!" Luffy screamed.

Their worst, (eh, kinda), nightmares had come true.

They would have to go back to Skypiea.

"Dammit." All of the crew said together.


"Rip my heart from willing arms."
"But they can't take my mind..."
"Brand new start I've taken on."
"Vengeance is my right..."
"And I know..."
"That your eyes' on me."
"So I won't..."
"Take the time you need..."

"Kay', that's enough singing for now, Brook. We need to head back up to Sky Island to get Nami back." Sanji lolled around.

"You're such a spoilsport, Sanji-kun."

"Yeah, I am. But for good reason too...we need to get Nami back as soon as we can. And you're going to help us...right?" Sanji sneaked a peak at Urouge.

"Yes, that bastard has probably captured my crew along with the remnants of URROUGE. I can't let Enel and that bastard Club the Lunarian live anymore." Urouge reminisced, as he gazed up to the training deck, where he saw Roronoa Zoro and Monkey D. Luffy training together, sparring.

"Wow..." Urouge thought.

"Don't take notice of them, Urouge. They're always-." Sanji thought.

"I'm going to join them." Urouge suddenly appeared on the steps going up to the training deck.

"WHY?" Sanji screamed. But Urouge had already made his way up to the staircase towards the training deck. When he got there, he found Luffy panting his heart out, and Zoro, still screaming out the number of pushups he was repping.

"669, 670!" 

"What is going on here?" Urouge asked. Luffy turned his head towards Urouge, still panting heavily; his eyelids dilated towards the Mad Monk.

" Need meat." Luffy gasped for breath.

"Oi, Pirate Hunter! Have a duel with me!" Urouge suddenly acclaimed.

"Huh?" Zoro was confused. How the hell could he make a fair fight with the Mad Monk if he was so injured?

"I'll use my Devil Fruit. I can grow up to any size I want and increase my muscles and strength while you continue to hit me." Urouge explained.

"...Don't blame me if you get absolutely pummelled." Zoro sighed after a moment.

"Watch your words, Pirate Hunter." Urouge snickered.

"You watch your tone, stupid Mad Monk. I'll demolish you." Zoro unsheathed his sword, and threw Luffy off the training deck to the surface, where he was then caught by Sanji.

"Let's do this." Urouge charged at Zoro. At once, Zoro held his Ichimonji out and then slashed his katana straight at Urouge. 

"Tiger...Hunt!" He screamed, as the slash impacted the Thousand Sunny so much that it had blown an extremely high level of wind down the throat of the sunflower of the Ship. It smashed the Thousand Sunny against some rocks on a nearby island and stabilised itself again. 

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