A Type of Family

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"Did you know that the World Government's going to attack the palace in no more than 1 week? You need to convince him as soon as you can, and killing your brother isn't going to help that!" Kuina's voice rang out from outside.

"I've got a plan. If I can kill him, then the throne comes back to me and I'm stated to be the ruler of all Shimotsuki. I can give back resources to the World Government, the war is then called off, and I'll reinstate Joben as the ruler of the Shimotsuki. Luffy might forgive me and maybe I can go back to being a pirate. Plus, if worse comes to worse, I'll fight the World Government by myself if I have to. Including you." Zoro's voice then came.

Luffy and Sanji's eyes widened at Zoro's remark.

"Oh no."


"HEY! ZORO! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Luffy suddenly screamed.

"Who said that?" Zoro asked from outside of the cell.

"You heard me, Zoro! It can only be one person! It's me!" Luffy screamed. he could have sworn that he had heard Zoro groan a little bit. Zoro then entered the room, pinching the bridge of his nose, he wasn't happy about Luffy screaming at the top of his lungs. He sighed.

"Yeah, what do you want?" 

"Why did you leave?" Luffy asked.

"I literally just told you, you moron!" Sanji screamed softly in his ear.

"I want to hear it from him." Luffy pointed at Zoro. The mosshead stayed silent for a bit before briefly replying.

"I left because in that brief moment that Kuina told me about everything that was going on between the Shimotsuki and the World Government. I thought about my mother's last words to me and my brother, Joben. Happy?" He recited quickly.

"And what's this about you fighting the Marines all by yourself? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Sanji questioned automatically.

"What, does the cook care about me now? That's a first." Zoro sarcastically replied.

"Shut up, Mosshead."

"One other-" Luffy was interrupted by Zoro, who was not happy.

"No, no, no. I need to go pray now. This better be very important, or you're going to be staying here for a longer time than most of the prisoners."

"We're getting let out? But-" Zoro had already gone, and he had closed the door fully, which meant there was no escaping now.

"Damn it, Luffy! If you never had shouted for Zoro to come, the door wouldn't be closed and we might've escaped! Think things through!" Sanji snapped at him.

"Oh, yeah." Luffy came to realised.

"But wait, Nami can get us out of here! She isn't called the cat burglar for no reason!" Luffy pointed towards Nami, who was currently still unconscious, or sleeping, it was kind of hard to tell.

"How is she going to pick the lock? She's knocked out currently!" Sanji exclaimed.

"Well, we should then just wake her up." Luffy suggested with his unknowingly voice. Sanji then grabbed the hem of his shirt.

"Whatever you do, you do not. Ever. Wake. A woman. From her sleep. You got that?" Sanji spoke firm but soft.

"Then how do we get out?" Luffy asked to Sanji, who was currently looking at the guards in the corner to see if they were awake from the recent beating that Sanji gave them.

"We just have to wait until Nami wakes up. And when she does-"

"You'll do what?" A familiar voice asked.

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