Guardian angel

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We left to clear the prison, same group as yesterday plus Hershel.

We made it pretty far with no contact, dead bodies almost every where but no walkers.

Of corse we were all scared going through the halls, we didn't know what would happen, or what we could bump into, we turned the corner and there was a hoard of walkers.

I tripped over I body and it grabbed my foot, I dropped my gun and tried to pulled the fingers off my leg, when I did I did have enough time to stand up so Daryl grabbed my gun and Glenn picked my up and ran with me.

Hershel got bit and we ran him into what seemed to be the cafeteria.

"we need to cut the leg!" I yelled starting to chop through his leg and Rick and T-dog watched the door.

I made it through on my third swing and I fell back, we got a cart and got Hershel out of there, back to C Block.

I was in front of the others, we made it back and Carl opened the door for us, we got Hershel on the bed and I left the cell leaning against the wall, my hands were covered in blood, not the blood of the dead, blood of the living.

"its ok, don't panic, remember deep breaths" Carl calmed and I looked and him, he helped me up the stairs and to our bunks.

He held my hands over the sink and helped me wipe them off "so I was thinking we go find the infirmary, clean it out?" he asked and I smiled at him "who is this new brave Carl?" I joked and he smiled "we have to be quite about it" he mumbled and I nodded.

One trip to the infirmary later

"and you went there alone?" Lori asked Carl and I, I shook my head "we were super safe, there were no walkers, and we got some good stuff" I explained and Carl nodded.

Lori and Carl argued back and forth for a bit and he ran off, I was close behind him.

"Carl, she's just worried about you" I huffed leaning against the doorway "she does that every time I try to grow up, it's not cool!" he yelled and I stood up straight "be glad you have a mom, be glad she cares about you enough to watch over you, be glad she alive in good health, some people aren't lucky enough to have a mom like that!" I yelled covering my mouth after.

"I'm sorry for making it sound like I'm not grateful, it's just frustrating" he sighed and I shook my head "I shouldn't guilt trip you like that, it's wrong to do" I sat down and he stood "Ill let you be alone for a little bit" he gave me a half smiled and I nodded.

The door opened and I knew that meant the others came back.

"Hey champ" Daryl said and I wiped my eyes sitting up "your going to miss Hershel dying" I huffed and he sat beside me "don't say that, you don't know what could happen" he scolded and I huffed "why don't I have parents?" I started to cry again and Daryl brought me into a half hug "you have me, I'm old enough to be your dad" he ruffled my hair and I laughed "stop it!" I laughed and he started to laugh with me.

"get to bed, long day tomorrow" he smoothed back my hair and placed a kiss to my forehead.

The next day

Hershel was walking and I drove my first car.

Walkers broke through the gate, separating us all.

I was with Maggie, Lori, and Carl, a group of walkers came around the corner just as Lori said the baby was coming.

I heard as the walkers ran past and I looked down to see that they had Lori ready to deliver.

Something was wrong, Lori was yelling, loud and I didn't want walkers to come back.

They were going to have to cut her open, "Lori you can't do this" I placed my hand on her stomach and she grabbed it softly. "Maggie go talk to Carl, calm him down" she instructed and I looked at Lori.

"I need you to promise me that no matter what you stay by that boys side, when I die, when Rick dies you will be all he has, you and the baby, so promise me you stay by him side" she calmed me and I nodded "I promise, I promise I wont ever leave his side" I promised as Maggie walked back with Carl beside her.

I pulled my knife out and sat beside Maggie on the floor, I was crying, tears were falling quickly.

She was talking to Carl telling him to never leave my side, and hugging him.

"I practiced with Carol, barely but I think I can do it" I cut deep enough to not hurt the baby, blood was all over my hands and all over her stomach.

I fell back after I made the cut and I was crying and shaking, the baby was alive and out, Carl helped me up and pulled his gun as Maggie walked me out, I stayed just outside the door.

I heard the shot and I jumped, I was still crying as Carl pushed past and we made it outside.

I held the door open so Maggie and Carl could leave, all three of us were probably a sight, Maggie had the baby and blood up to her elbows, Carl had blood on his hands, and me.

I had blood on my hands, shirt, pants, arms, and face, it was everywhere, and I was still crying.

Why was I still crying.

I had threatened grown men, I had killed walkers, Ive watched people I was close to die, but I was crying over this Carl should be crying but he wasn't.

Daryl walked over to me and tilted my blood covered chin up to look at him.

I pushed his hand away roughly and sat down.

In a bunk

I don't in what happened or how I got here, I could hear talking outside of my door but I felt numb, my hands felt like they were being pricked a million time.

I didn't like how it felt, I kept remembering her screams, the blood, everything.

I felt sick, I am sick, I gagged twice and before I knew it there was a bucket in position to catch my throw up and a hand was softly rubbing my back, I stopped and my mouth was wiped with a cloth.

"She'll be ok, it's just some nausea, it may be from shock" Hershel explained and I took a deep breath hearing the door open and everyone left my room.

I stood in the doorway of the cell and I walked towards the baby "can I hold her?" I asked and nobody objected, she started to cry after leaving the warmth of Daryl.

I gave her head support and held her close to me "your very pretty" I smiled and her crying came to a stop "I think she likes you" Carl whispered and I reached out for the rest of her bottle giving it to her.

She drunk all of it and I smiled "you must have been hungry?" I asked and she laughed grabbed my finger "I think she does like me" I smiled and she smiled back.

"Your like her guardian angel, you saved her life, now she's like attached to you" Carl joked and I smiled handing her to Beth.

A Promise-Carl Grimes x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora