The Smiths

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I had a lot of work that I needed to do so I got ready first thing in the morning and headed out “hey Maggie!” I smiled catching up to her and Hershel “hey dude” I smiled and he smiled back giving me a fist bump we walked a little further and I ran to catch up with my dad and help him “hey you are coming with me and Carol, so get ready” I smiled and he grabbed his bag and followed me and Carol out. We took him to an old cabin pretty far out and I crossed my arms “council voted to banish you, and I’m sorry but it’s what they decided to be best” Carol said and I moved in further setting my bag down “but the council also decided on a separate note that Y/n should spend some time away, so she’ll be with you for a bit” Carol nodded and I smiled.

After sitting for a bit Negan stood up and put his hand out “come on, I want to go somewhere” he nodded and I got up grabbing my things and following him out.

“this reminds me of when you were just a tiny thing, I mean like 2 or 3 and you had just learned to walk so Lucille and I used to walk you on this old dirt path behind our house and you used to just trip and fall but you would always get back up and keep running ahead” he laughed and I smiled “I don’t have the real bat, I buried it out there when I left, I made a different one, I had to leave it” I looked down and I noticed where we were, the tree.

My dad dug up the bat and he looked at Me smiling and I sat beside him ready for another story.

15 years earlier.

I watched as my dad finished boarding the windows up and we couldn’t watch a movie, so mom made dad read us a book, the growling outside was getting louder and I followed my dad outside without permission to watch him kill it, he tried to stab it but it didn’t work so I raised the gun and killed it, quickly dropping the gun out of my hands with a small yell “hey, it’s ok, you ok?” he asked taking the gun from off the ground and I nodded “go back inside, I’ll turn the generator so we can watch a movie” he kissed my head and I nodded running back inside.

The next day.

“Y/n stay here with mom and make sure she’s ok” My dad grabbed the gas can and green tube thing and he stood by the door ready to leave “I’ll be good” I smiled and he nodded “I’ll be back soon” he kissed my head and I smiled. When he came back I had already finished my little made up school work for the day and I laid down on dads old chair as my mom rested in the bed.

“hey pumpkin, you finish school?” my dad asked and I nodded “all done!” I smiled and he laughed picking me up and swinging me through the air as my mom laughed and smiled and we were ok again, the world was normal.
The next day I woke and Dad was leaving somewhere urgently, to find doctors for Mom “I can come with you!” I argued and My dad shook his head “I’ve completely finished all of my school books, I’m smart enough to go!” I yelled and my dad picked my us and sat me on the table “you are seven, you cannot come with me, as smart and strong as you are I can’t put you at risk like that” he frowned and I nodded wiping my eyes to rid them of the tears threatened to pour.

Seven months earlier.

There was an incident on my way home from school and my dad had to pick me up from the side of the road “can we go home?” I asked and he bit his lip “how about we go to your moms?” he asked and I smiled and nodded.
“So you knew about me and her mom the whole time, and you didn’t say anything?” He asked and I left up to my room as the two talked it out. For three weeks my dad had been gone and my mom had been quieter and quieter, I went down stairs to check on her and I was met with her having a bag around her head growling and reaching out for me, age turned into one of those things.
I ran upstairs, got what I could into my bag and left, I ran and didn’t look back, I made my way for the first CDC location in Atlanta, and I knew I would have my time cut out for me.

“if you had just waited another couple weeks I would have been back, and I could have came with you” Negan looked over at me and I looked down with tears in my eyes “we were a family, a pretty shitty but a happy family, and knowing that with mom gone it was only a matter of time before that family was gone I left” I cried and I lit the match with him lighting his, I left and stood to watch our house burn before my dad threw Lucille and we both turned and left.

We made it back to Alexandria walking in side by side Carol was shocked to say the least to see the two of us walking back “I think he’ll be staying a little longer, after all The Smith’s stick like glue” I smiled and put my crossbow on my back and I kept walking, Negan splitting with me to go to his place.

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