'The Storm'

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There was a bad storm passing through, we were all holding up in one house, the kids were away from the windows as all the adults worked on boarding them up, to say everyone was scared was an understatement, fear coursed through all of us as we tried to stay brave "if the wind keeps blowing this door will shake apart" Magna informed and I huffed as Jerry's wife went to check on the babies. I crouched down by the kids and smiled "you guys are being so brave; I am so proud of you. When I was little, I used to be so scared of storms but there was one thing my mom used to tell me, the darkest of storms can bring the prettiest of flowers" I smiled and thunder rumbled again, shaking the whole house as they grabbed onto me out of fear. Once they reluctantly let go of me, I stood and a branch came through the window and the door swung open, I helped close the door and someone put a chair in front of it, Judith ran to another window and waved me over, the windmill had caught flame.

In the street a piece of the was blew, making this terrible scratching noise that did nothing to lower our fear. The adults regrouped in the kitchen to discuss a plan, three teams one was to fight the fire in the windmill, another was going to repair the wall and a third team was going to stay back and protect the kids and others. "We can handle protecting everyone" I spoke with Rosita, and she smiled at me softly, "I can go with Connie and Carol to the wall" Kelly spoke up and I nodded "I'll go with Aaron, to the windmill" Carl spoke, and I looked at him nodding, Rosita and I grabbed our bats from the counter and Carl grabbed my hand "no argument? He questioned and I shook my head "just make sure you come back, for me" I smiled kissing his cheek softly and he rested a hand on my stomach softly "I'll be back for both of you" he whispered, and I nodded sending him on his way with the others. We started breaking furniture to get more boards for the windows, walkers came to the windows and I grabbed my bat as they started to bang on the door "Rosita, keep the kids away from the door, all of you watch that door after I go out there, Judith, be safe" I grabbed my bat and made sure I had my knife on my side they let me out the door and I ran out fighting the walkers as they came, every time I killed one, two more appeared, my arms hurt and I was wet and cold but I didn't stop fighting and pushing them back, I eventually left the porch into the road and killed any of them that came my was, once it was clear I walked back to the porch and hit the door with my bat. I opened and I walked in, I looked over t Judith and she smiled "stay away from the windows from now on, ok?" Judith nodded and I set my bat down when it was and lowered myself down the wall to sit on the floor, not even an hour passed before the walkers were back to banging on the windows and doors, there were too many to fight and the boards we put up were not going to hold for much longer "everyone upstairs now!" Rosita yelled and everyone did just that as I helped hold the door.

It was just Lydia and I holding the door left and I looked at he "grab my bat when you run and il meet you there I promise" I nodded and she pushed the door one good time before grabbing her stick and my bat running to the stairs, I took off towards the stairs and got my bat from Lydia, we fought from the stairs into morning "guys we cant find Judith and Gracie" one of the other girls told and I grunted as I stabbed a walker "your with us, we get through this and we find them" Rosita instructed and I started to push harder. There was a whistle blown from downstairs and Lydia went to check it out while the remaining three of us kept fighting the walkers.

Two Days Later

The fire at the windmill was out and we had finally got the chance to get out of the house, as soon as I saw Judith, I hugged her as tight as I could, "you never, ever do something like that again, from now on you stay with an adult" I cried hugging her, my clothes had dried and the blood caked in my hands and arms "Y/N!" Cael yelled and I ran to him, immediately I wrapped my arms around him, and he sighed into my neck, "are you ok?" he asked, and I nodded kissing his cheek "I'm fine" I whispered, and he kissed me quickly and softy. Daryl came back with Maggie and as soon as I had showered and changed, I met them outside with a hug, Judith and RJ came running to hug him and I noticed Negan didn't return "Daryl, where's Negan? I asked and he looked down "he left, he's not coming back" I nodded and looked down, I crossed my arms and fixed the old police hat on my head, I sat down on the steps "I see you found Shane's old hat?" Carl asked and I took it off setting it beside me "he was going to leave at some point, we all knew he would" Carl put an arm around me and I looked down "it was like I had just gotten my dad back Negan was gone, then he pulls this shit and I'm alone again" I huffed and Carl rubbed my arm kissing my cheek "I'm sorry" he apologized and I shook my head "you're not the dead beat that left me are you?" I stood at the sound of Daryl yelling and I hurried to the gate, hat and crossbow in hand.

There was a community called common wealth that wanted to help us, that's where Eugene's group left to, they were offering for us to live in their community. Lance, the man who made the offer gave us time to make our choice and I left to pack "what are you doing?" Carl asked and I motioned to my bag, packing the good clothes I have, although it's a very slim selection of clothes, I got a bag for you too, I don't know what you want to bring though" I smiled and he shook his head stopping me "we're not going, how do we even know we can trust this place?" he asked and I grabbed his hands sitting with him "first, they didn't dump our people off in a body bag, second, Judith and RJ are going with Daryl and I and I know you don't want to leave them" I huffed and he shook his head " why are you going? What happened to the memories we made here? Is all of that just bullshit to you?" he asked, and I sighed "then you can stay, and you can keep your bullshit Ring too, look I'm sorry I'm trying to go somewhere we could actually have a future at, they have doctors! This place could be our chance at raising a kid someday, but if you don't want to go that's fine, our chapter in the book of life can end here" I put my ring in his hand and I stood grabbing my bag. Those of us who chose to go were getting ready and Carl came rung "wait! Before you leave!" he yelled as he stopped in front of a very unimpressed me, he was doubled over huffing "look I was being stupid, I'm not leaving you, I love you, I'd be stupid to leave you behind" he took my hand and put the ring back on my finger "now we can go" he huffed, still attempting to catch his breath.

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