you are my sunshine

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I woke up to a note that Dante was a whisperer and he killed Sidiqi, we had to get ready for a funeral. I got ready and fixed my hair, “hey after the funeral I was planning on heading out, just for a bit to look for Lydia and Negan” I smiled and Carl grabbed my hand standing beside me as the services started.

We parted and I grabbed my bag heading out “hey wait up” Carl said and I turned “I just need some time to think, I won’t go far” I assured and he let me go. I came back later and joined the group crossing the border keeping my knife pulled and my crossbow on my back “is everything ok? Carl told me you were acting strange today” Daryl asked and I looked over at him “I’m fine, just a little nervous” I huffed and we kept going.

Early next morning

It was a calm morning until Carol took off in a sprint, everyone went for her and Daryl and I soon followed Daryl hit a patch of rock that crumbled under him and I stopped “Dad!” I yelled and I felt someone grab me before I was threw down and I hit the rocks on the bottom with a pained yell “you ok?” Daryl asked and I shook my head holding my knee “I think it’s broken” I cried and he stood me up, I looked at him and wiped my eyes “I’m fine, I’ll be fine” I huffed and I tried to walk only to flinch in pain “your not ok, you won’t make it across on your own” Daryl shook his head and just to prove him wrong I jump to the first rock and landed on my good leg before lightly stepping with my bad one “maybe you can, go until the bigger one and I’ll join you” he said and I nodded doing that until I hit the bigger rock and he jumped over, “we can do this, both of us” he nodded and I stayed strong the room was getting smaller and the roof coming down but I kept taking deep breaths.

He jumped and I followed except he caught me, we did that until we reached the end and everyone joined us.

Hours late

We made it to a smaller room and this made everything worse, I was starting to become obviously freaked out and Jerry happened to help us find a nod to the exit. We found out the exit was a very small squeeze and I laughed “good thing I’m not pregnant” I followed Daryl and he led us through.

It kept getting smaller and soon enough we got out and Carol was started to panic “Carol listen to my voice, keep your mind off of it” I calmed and soon enough Carol was coming through and I hugged her as soon as she got out “same thing going on here, but I’d rather be quite about it” I smiled while everyone helped Jerry. Carol helped me splint my leg temporarily until we got back and we kept moving until we got into a mineshaft.

We worked on moving wood and stuff but it was more of the others moving it and I was making sure nothing would fall and kill us. My leg was killing my so I lowered myself to the ground and used the bag of supplies to rest my knee, an explosion went off and it started to collapse so we all hurried out it collapsed on Magna and Connie.

Everyone dispersed, we all left except for Daryl who started to look for another way in and I went to help him “I said go home!” he turned and yelled and I stopped “I’m going to help you find her, please let me help you” I pleaded as I started to cry and he walked up to me and hugged me “if I find her I’ll tell you first I promise, now please go home” he hugged me a little tighter and Aaron came to help me walk.
I got home at night and I let myself in, I heard screams in a house so I went running to the best of my abilities and I saw him. He was over six foot and I mean well over, he had a leather jacket and he was holding two knives, covered in blood.

“Let’s play nice now big guy” I cracked my neck and he grabbed me as the walkers woke up “stay quiet and you can live” he whispered and I whimpered in pain as he pushed me against a wall “get the fuck off of me” I grunted and he threw me to the ground causing me to yell out in pain, I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the leg, he fell into one knee on top of me and he was raising his knife to kill me before he was stopped by a girl who I guess was a whisperer. He got up and I laid there in pain as they walked away Judith found me and I was helped to a bed.

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