*foreshadowing title*

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*ding ding* baby bell!!!

I had woken up late at night I couldn't sleep, I was awake for at least 30 minutes trying to sleep, this was possibly the worst time to be aroused, nearly 2 in the morning, husband asleep and nothing to help. "Babe, what's wrong" carl asked, his voice gravely and laced with sleep, I let out a whimper, I was desperate and hot, I was in one of Carl's shirts and my underwear, but it felt like the room was burning my skin "oh baby, you didn't want to wake me, did you?" Carl aske sweetly pulling his shirt over my head and pulling me on top of him, I shook my head and he laughed "anytime you get this bad wake me whenever you please, I will be happy to help you sweetheart" he whispered and I desperately grinded down onto his bulge and he started kissing my softly, becoming more violent as he reached my uncovered breasts taking more of the skin into his mouth to leave hickeys. I quietly moaned as he took my underwear off letting, he flipped me onto my back on top of him and I couldn't help but laugh "at least the bed doesn't squeak with every move" I whispered, and he kissed just behind my ear making me shiver "we could make it" he whispered and if I wasn't already ay my peak, I would have just reached there.

Time skip <33333 writing smut will literally drain my creativeness today

I woke up, my hair still wet from my shower, I got up and got ready a sudden wave of nausea hitting me as I brushed it off "you ready to go?" Carl asked and I nodded smiling. A week passed and it had only gotten worse nausea not only when I stand or start to move but also when I wake up and after I eat, I had gotten tired after short walks, I had to get to the doctor, but Carl and I were on babysitting duty "I am going to get some sweets, ill be back soon" I smiled, and Carl nodded. I checked in at the doctor and I was soon helped to a room "no father?" the doctor asked and I smiled "he is at home, I didn't want him to come unless it was a false alarm" I smiled and she nodded "we can do an ultrasound to see the baby, its to early to tell gender but we can theorize" she joked and I laughed as she rubbed the cold jelly over my stomach and she slowly moved the device over my stomach "so it doesn't look to be any little person in there so I'd just say it's a false alarm, if you let us take your blood we can do a deeper check" she confirmed and I nodded, I thanked her and left to the lobby.

One year at commonwealth

A lot can happen in a year, Lance Hornsby went on a killing spree looking for a group of people who stole supplies, the Milton's were exposed for being not so good people, Judith and RJ have grown up, and I officially entered my first month of pregnancy.

Daryl, Aaron, and Gabe had been radio silent for at least six months, last word we had they went to hilltop, I had regrouped with our people not long after shit hit the fan "and you guys have started a riot" I smiled and I was quickly hugged by Kelly, Connie, and Ezekiel "we need to go meet the kids, I'll talk soon I promise" I smiled leaving Carl with the others. I made it to Carols and when she opened the door, I hugged her as tight as possible "we just finished a game of who can be the quietest, she used the code word we had, and I pulled her aside "they came here?" I asked and she nodded, there was a knock on her door and we both stood in front of the kids "go to the bedroom and don't go out until I call" she waved them off and they all ran as the knock happened again, except louder. It was jerry who walked in with Negan who smiled at the sight of me, I walked up to him just as Carol shut the door and I slapped him "you leave me with not a word and suddenly, you're here in commonwealth? What the hell dad!" I yelled and he rubbed his cheek as I started to tear up and I quickly hugged him "I'm glad you're ok" I whispered, and he kissed my head. "So, we think Hornsby is going for the kids next to get our people out" Negan explained and I nodded "that's why he came for Daryl, Carl, and I?" I asked and Negan nodded "but if Hornsby sent that that means its under the radar and that means were ahead of him" Carol put two and two together and I look at jerry "you still have access to that attic space?" I asked and he turned "yes ma'am, stocked with supplies like you asked" he walked forward and I rested my hand on my stomach, Negan slightly tilted his head and squinted his eyes as I did so "keep the kids there, and get word to the others. Tell them to be ready to move on your signal" I planned and he laid a hand on my shoulder "ill start a chain" he nodded and I smiled "ready for what? I mean this doesn't seam like the type of place that you can just stroll out the gate, hand in hand" Negan questioned and I smiled "that's why we are going to try to get some insurance" Carol smiled at me and I nodded "for how long?" Negan asked and I looked at him "what do you mean?" I asked and he laughed softly "your hand on your stomach, the glance and nod, your pregnant" Negan asked and I huffed "a month and it's just in between Carol, Rosita, and I, I prefer it to stay that way" I huffed and I stood holstering my gun and untucking the flannel.

Carol led us to this building as a lockdown was initiated "what are we looking for exactly?" Negan asked and I shrugged "blueprints, schematics?" I questioned "plans four union station have to be here somewhere" Carol affirmed, and I nodded we started to look through boxes and Negan hit my arm softly "did I tell you I got married?" he asked and I stopped looking only to look back down "and your telling me thus why?" I asked and he shrugged "I don't know, because she's out there, you're her stepdaughter she's excited to meet, she's pregnant with your half sibling" I stopped looking through boxes and I hugged him "its going to be ok. I remember days when Carl would be out there and I would be so scared, I'm immune and he isn't, what if he gets bit one day and there's nothing, I can do to save him? Then I remember that he is with some of the best fighters out there, there is no way in hell he gets hurt." I assured and Negan smiled "your right" he whispered, and he hugged me tighter before letting go. I walked away to keep looking, leaving him and Carol to stand.

We left after not finding Sebastian and I took the map, stopping in front of a painting, Negan moved a plant to reveal a secret door that I pushed open Negan and Carol went in am in guessing they found him because I could hear them both talking. The three of us left with Sebastian and a guy started to yell that he saw him, Negan tried to stop hit so he hit Negan in the stomach, to retaliate I hit in him in the face "that's my dad you ass wipe!" I yelled and he slapped me, resulting in Negan pulling his leg making him fall "don't hit pregnant women kid" he groaned, and I looked at him with a smile that he returned, the guards threw some kind of gas and Negan put my sleeve over my nose and mother and as I started to cough he picked me up "where's your home?" Negan asked and I pointed in a vague direction, and he picked up the pace getting me there as quick as he could. I woke up in my bed, Negan sitting beside me "Dad? Am I ok, are the kids ok, what about Carl?" I asked sitting up and putting my feel on the ground "kid, its ok, I don't know about the kids or carl but I'm going with Carol to find everyone" he huffed and I stood up, "I have to go with you" I whispered and he shook his head "you need to eat, drink some water and sleep" he informed and I sat down "fine" I mumbled and I nodded "ill be back as soon as I can be to check on you" he kissed my head and left.

Thedoor shut and it woke me up I pretended to sleep as Carl kissed me softly, I grabbedhis cheeks lightly and kissed him "did I wake you?" he asked, and I shook myhead "I've been sleeping light ever since this little guy came to be" I smiledputting a hand on my stomach and carl laid his hand on mine "guy?" he asked andI smiled "yes guy" I kissed him and he shook his head "it's a girl, she isgoing to be just like you I can sense it" he whispered and I rolled my eyes "whatare you, a jedi?" "Maybe I am" "hot" I kissed him again, this time itwas the opposite of soft, any other day we would be ripping each other's clothesoff but today we wanted to rest.

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