the ones we love never leave us

870 16 14

We were attempting to nagioate with Gregory who ran the hilltop, and he had got Maggie’s name wrong again.

He kept interrupting our people and I huffed.

“Everyone, out of the room!” I ordered and everyone left, Carl kept a soft hand on my waist “are you sure you got this?” he asked and I smiled “I can hold more than just my own” I smiled and he left.

“I just want to get some shit straight with you, first off her name is Maggie, second off you need our help because all it takes is one word from me and the saviours will have your head on a spike so do you really want to try and be a dick, or do you want to try and work together?” I asked leaning on the table and he laughed “I think this whole act is cute, your very cute by the way” he smiled touching my hand.
I pulled my hand back and slapped him “I’m a minor dipshit!” I yelled leaving his stupid office.

“now I remember my hatred for old creepy men” I smiled and we left.

Turns out a lot of people wanted to learn to fight, Maggie and Enid would train them, while the rest of us looked for people to fight with us.

Jesus told us about a guy named Ezekiel who was apparently a king. I gave Carl a look before laughing “king? Like royalty?” I asked and Jesus nodded.

We arrived soon enough and we found out it was called the kingdom, and I’d have to admit this is the corniest thing I’ve ever heard.

They let us in and we saw everyone, there were people running who looked like soldiers, and Morgan was there “hey Morgan!” I cheered and the king was ready to see us.
We made it in and I smiled squeezing Carl’s hand “it’s a tiger!” I whispered excitedly and he smiled at me as I stepped forward.

Jesus turned to introduce us and he saw me smiling while the other stood back “I forgot to mention the tiger” he excused himself and I nodded.

We walked forward and I tilted my head the tiger tilting it’s head the same way, I walked back to Carl smiling “I hate talks like this” I huffed and he gave me a small smile.

“they took Y/n, every second she’s out here she’s a target, she risked herself for Daryl, it’s dangerous for both of them now that she’s out” Rosita said and I looked down, I turned my attention to the string on Carl’s flannel, playing with it instead.

After the meeting we stayed until the next day and headed back.

“Daryl, I think you should stay here, with the fact I escaped they will come for one of us, I would rather it be me than you” I pulled Daryl aside and he huffed “you shouldn’t be so prepared to go back, your just a kid” he started to give me the talk and I rolled my eyes catching up with Carl.

“We’ll be ok, right?” I asked Carl and he nodded “yeah, sooner we get back other quicker we can prepare” I smiled and we came across a road block.

We all got out and started to move the cars, Carl had one that wouldn’t start and I ran over to help I pushed it as hard as I could, and it moved Carl got out to help me push it and I wiped me hands off on my pants smiling at him.

There was a cable with explosives connected to it and we needed the explosives. “we need to disarm them first” Rick said and I got down to look at them closer, Rosita besides me, we lifted a gate in the ground and Rosita started on getting the big ones.

After she finished everyone moved to the others, carefully cutting and checking for damage before putting them to the side.

Carl, Tara, and I started to check on them again before moving them into the trunk.
We put the last of the explosives in the trunk and moved the car, we then helped move the other cars as a herd started to come.

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