not the best day

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“wake up, drink some water” a hand was touching my head and I tried to swat it away.

“stop touching me, I’m fine” I tried to sit up only for head to hurt and I crossed my arms huffing.

“I don’t think your fine, you don’t think that either, if you thought that I wouldn’t of had to carry you to the infirmary in the middle of the night, to make sure you weren’t about to die on your throw up” Carl said and Ron came in “neither of us would of found you, look I know I didn’t tell you about Enid and I but we were on a break, and I really do like you” he mumbled and I smiled “one more chance Ron, I’m serious” he nodded and kissed my hand.

Later that day.

Rick let me help him and Carl train Ron, he was doing pretty got but one thing was bothering me.

“come here, I’m not walking over there” he walked over and I frowned “when you aim, don’t close one eye, you want both open, that way you can focus on your target, and make sure your safe” I instructed and he nodded.

“You two can go, Y/n I want to have a word” he walked me over to the gazebo and I sat. “You know Daryl will find out sooner or later, I want you to tell him” Rick told me and I shrugged “he could be dead, when he gets back, I’ll see how he is, if I can tell him I will” I huffed and Rick moved beside me.

“I’m sorry about everything you went through out there, before you found us again, and I’m sorry about what happened last night, that made you drink, don’t turn to alcohol turn to someone” Rick patted my knee and I smiled “thanks for the talk Rick, I’ll tell Daryl when he gets back, I should be the one to tell him, like you said” I got up and left.

“Your in the garage?” Aaron questioned and I gave a small smile and nod “it’s Daryl’s old bike, he said I should have it, he would get me a newer one, when we both went out together” I smiled and he took a look at it.

I was replacing the lightbulb in total because it was busted, and the cover was broken “hey look, I’m sure a lot of people have came to you but I’m sorry to hear about what happened, and I just wanted to check up on you Daryl would want that” he smiled and I stood up “you don’t know what Daryl would want you to do for me, Daryl doesn’t know what he wants to do for me half the time” I huffed wiping my face.

“He told me that he was trying to do his best with you, he felt like even if he read all the parenting books out there he couldn’t raise you right. I told him trial and error, that’s the way to go, find out each other’s boundaries and set new ones, Y/n he’s trying, he really is, he just needs some time to adjust to being your dad, you seem like a handful” he joked and I smiled sitting down, my back against the wall.

“thanks for the talk Aaron, I’ll take it easy on him” I smiled and he sat beside me, his arm went around my shoulder and I laughed wiping the tears “he’ll be back, the only thing that kills Daryl is Daryl” I tried to stop crying and Aaron laughed “seems like it” he wiped my tears and stood to leave.

“tell Eric I said hi, I miss seeing him walk down to visit us, well me” I shrugged and he nodded “you should come to us, we’d love to have a chat with you” he laughed and left.

I stood outside to see green balloons, but then the world went silent, or so it seemed as the tower just outside of the wall fell, the one the truck crashed into and we all ran.

I ran into Carl and he ran into me “are you ok?” he asked and I nodded running with him.

We met with Rick, Michonne, Deanna, Gaberal, and Jesse saved us, she had Judith.

We ran in and shut the door I grabbed Carl’s hand “we’ll shut the garage, block it off” I pulled him along.

We ran the garage and shut it.

“your boyfriend is a real dick you know” he huffed turning to me as I blocked the door “trust me, I know” I rolled my eyes and  turned around.

“I’m only with him to make you jealous because your with Enid” I explained kissing him with my hands on his face, his on my face.

I pulled away from him and pushed him away “I’m sorry” I excused “it’s not him you should apologize too, maybe you should apologize to your boyfriend” Ron shut the door and I shook my head “Ron I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it I just have a lot of feelings pent up” he pushed past me, ignoring my words and locked the door.

“Ron what the hell, we need to get back!” I yelled going to run past him to open the door when he pulled a gun and held it up at me, Carl pushed him against the door and I ran at him “Carl get the door!” I yelled and he tried to block it just as Rick opened the door and Ron pulled me inside.

We got upstairs and I grabbed my side, I pushed Ron’s hand off of me “I can walk myself, Jesse do you have first aid?” I huffed and she nodded “the bathroom, did something happen we should know about?” she asked and I shook my head.

“Ron, first aid, grab it for me” I pushed him along and he nodded “nothing happened, we started to yell after the gate broke, they broke through the window, some of the glass got me I’m ok I promise” I assured her sitting in the steps.

Ron came back with the first aid and swapped places with Carl who wrapped my side.

His hand lingered on my side and he looked up at me “are you sure you’ll be ok?” he asked and I nodded “your not getting rid of me yet” I joked flinching “Everybody get upstairs now!” Michonne yelled and the down stairs blocking must have broken.

Carl helped me up the rest of the stairs and I learned against the wall, they used the couch to block the stairs off and I got up, I held my knife and Carl held up his gun and Rick got 2 walkers killing them.

I gagged knowing what he was going to make us do “ready for walkers guts?” I asked Carl and he smiled “can you walk well enough to go through them?” he asked and I laughed “the limping makes me blend in” I smiled and he looked over at me again.

“about the garage” he started to ask and I shook my head “it’s totally ok, I understand that your happy with Enid and you deserve to be” I smiled, deep down I wasn’t smiling or laughing, I wished that he wouldn’t like her as terrible as that sounds.

“I’m not with Enid, that was to make you jealous” he looked down and I laughed “we’re stupid, really stupid” he started to laugh and Rick whistled for us.

They slathered guts and blood on us and I blocked out the smell “I love the smell of dead caucus” I joked and Ron smiled “do I looked covered enough?” he asked and I grabbed an intestine laying it across him.

Carl had Judith, and I was behind Ron, we made it to the front porch and I looked at Carl, then Ron, I moved forward to grab Ron’s hand  and we moved slowly.

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