i did it for her

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I woke up and I heard whispering, the other two were already awake so we all made a plan to make a run for it and that’s what we did. I stopped running when I didn’t hear walkers or whispering and I called out for Daryl and Carl, I couldn’t hear them, I heard walking so I ducked behind a tree and took a deep breath.

Sophia?” I questioned and that alarmed the other adults as I covered my mouth in shock “she was right behind me, I promise!” I exclaimed going to turn around when Rick came back to see me alone and panicking.

“I don’t know where she went!” I exclaimed scared, on the verge of tears “hey don’t try to run back to look for her, you’ll just get lost too stay here with the others” Rick cautioned and I nodded wearily.

I opened my eyes and it was daylight again except there was a shadow over me “come on sweetheart, let’s get you with the kids” Earl calmed my worry and walked me back to watch them, they were still asleep except for Judith and she filled me in on what happened, I left the room to say goodbye to Earl but he had already done what needed to be done “I can make sure he’s dead, Jude make sure the kids stay asleep ok?” I calmed her and she nodded slowly walking back before turning around. I walked a little closer and he grabbed my arm so I killed him like reflex “I’m sorry Earl” I whispered and before the house were to start smelling bad, Judith and I got all the kids out.

I opened the door so they could fit and they all left, I’m guessing others were outside and they ran to them but I stayed inside with my bloody knife “Daryl’s out there” Judith huffed and I nodded “I’ve know Earl forever, Earl helped us make hilltop what it is today, he taught me a surprising amount about fixing things” I spoke like he was still here and Judith caught that “I know it’s hard to loose someone” she whispered and I looked up at her with teary eyes and a half smile “Judith? Y/n?” Daryl asked and Judith sat beside me “go, tell him I wasn’t here” I whispered and she shook her head with a smile “I like you more than him, don’t say I said that” she joked and I laughed setting my knife down and hugging her.

Carl walked in with Daryl and Judith ran to Carl while I say there beside Earls body, still in shock, even after talking to Judith. Daryl sat beside my and I handed him my knife, to which he took from me and he let his arm rest around my shoulders as I started to cry quietly. Tears slowly running down my face, as he ran his hand up and down my arm “you ready to get moving?” he asked and I nodded, we left the house and Carl hugged me as I hugged him back “I’m sorry” he whispered and I pulled away with a smile.

We met at the rendezvous point and everyone was ok, I was very tired and Carl was mighty comfortable. I woke up in a new place and in less pain “Carl?” I questioned and he was quick to calm me “you fell asleep not long after we got here, I decided not to wake you” he whispered and I nodded sitting up with a cough “it’s getting worse” I whispered and Carl grabbed my hand “we need to tell someone, even Negan” he pleaded and I shook my head “it’s a sore throat, I’ll be fine the sooner all of this is over” I huffed getting up and leaving the room.

I decided to leave out to go with Daryl and Judith to watch the perimeter and just to think, Daryl killed a whisperer who was no use and it tore Judith up. Turns out she was upset about Michonne who figured out that Rick might still be alive and she didn’t tell us because she thought we would leave her, I got down to her level and took my hat off “hey, look I can’t speak for Daryl but I won’t leave you, Carl and I used to joke around and say I was your guardian angel, I was always going to be around to save you and I’m not living that down, Jude your my little sister and the best kid I’ve ever met, I love you with my whole heart and I will never leave you in a million years” I smiled and she hugged me “let’s get moving” Daryl smiled and I stood putting my old baseball hat back on.

Gabriel was trying to say something but he was breaking up “they’ve….. Surrounded…  come back” I looked at the other two and we ran hopeful to find shelter, we found Carol and Kelly and ran in the building. I started to cough and blood was coming up “shit!” I cursed wiping my hand off on my pants Daryl came in the room and I looked over with tears in my eyes “you ok?” he asked and I nodded “I’ve coughed my throat raw” I laughed and he placed a hand on my shoulder “if you need to sit out, you can” he assured and I shook my head “I’m probably just loosing my voice, I’m fine” I smiled and Daryl nodded.

A group of us were going to move through the hoard to get to the wagon to cause a distraction, everyone got ready to go Carl and I both stayed back to keep Judith calm, the nail bomb came off and the whispers were coming inside.
They were breaking through so stayed by the door, they threw a nail bomb in and we all ducked, evacuation started and Carl and I stayed back “everyone needs to go now, Carl and I can hold them back!” I yelled and everyone left, even jude after some arguing.

They came in and they were strong but we were stronger, until they got us pinned back, two of them coming at us with knives until the two holding us died and the one coming at us with knives was shot with an arrow “it’s ok, they’re with me” I opened my eyes and Maggie was standing there with a fond smiled and I wasted no time to hug her “your alive” I whispered and she hugged me tighter “wait, Carl go get with Judith, Maggie go with him, I need to go help!” I hurried to grab my knives and I ran down the stairs and to the slightly thinned hoard. I found Beta and Negan fighting and just as he raised his knife and Daryl came running I threw mine and hit him in the head hearing him yell out in pain, not dead until the walkers started to claw and bite him, I watched as he died with a small smile “that was for everyone you took from us” I whispered until I was pulled away by Negan and Daryl.

It was morning when we made it back to the rendezvous point, I saw Judith, everyone, even Maggie, but no Carl “Maggie, where did he go?” I asked and she nodded behind me, I turned and Carl smiled after seeing me. “what the hell were you thinking” he couldn’t hide his smiled “I didn’t it for Enid” I whispered hugging him and he hugged me back.
“I know you did”

A Promise-Carl Grimes x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora