what a time to be alive

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The first thing they did was bring me to a doctor, “give her a quick checkup, we have a lot to do” Dwight said and the doctor wiped the blood from my hands and face.

“your Negans daughter?” the doctor asked and I nodded my head “that monster is somehow my dad” I huffed shaking my head “Dwight, can you go get boss, he’ll want to see this” the doctor ordered urgently and I saw he removed the bandages.

Negan and Dwight soon came back and I shook my head “I’m fine” I huffed reaching for the old bandages only for the doctor to discard them “you got bit, how the hell did you survive that?” he asked and I stayed quite.

I unraveled the bandages around my side to show the other bite “are you done interrogating me now? Can we finish what ever you guys are doing?” I asked standing up “Dwight, take her to the cell” Negan nodded and I huffed.

A week later

I was put into a cell, a week of dog food sandwiches and terrible corny music really gets to you.

Every time Dwight would bring one he would watch as I ate it, it got so bad to the point where he would leave and I would throw it up, I eventually stopped eating in general.

I had to of looked terrible, I hadn’t slept, I hadn’t eaten anything but small pieces of bread, and I was throwing up every other day.

Negan wanted me to join him at Alexandria and I had to.
I had to stay by his side the whole time, I could run, talk, or even look, at anyone.

“Can we go to my old house?” I asked and Negan placed a firm hand on my shoulder “you speak when spoken too, do you understand me?” he asked and I nodded “yes sir” I huffed.

We kept walking and I started to just block him out, he found the video camera and I took a deep breath “God kid, you looked rough back then” Negan laughed and we heard a shot go off and glass break.

I walked into the infirmary to see Carl “well this is awkward” my dad laughed and I looked down “Y/n, take the gun” Negan ordered and I looked down taking the gun from Carl, handing it back to my dad.

We then headed to the pantry and I had to sit outside, we left with the guns and I stayed with my dad, my head down Rick asked if I could stay and my dad looked at me “maybe she can sway me?” he asked and I looked up at him “you know what to do” he said and I cracked my neck looking him in the eyes.

A couple days later.

Dwight had noticed I was just throwing the sandwiches up so he just stopped giving them to me.

I had lost my shirt trying to cover the puke so the smell would die down, now I was just left in a tank top, it did nothing to hide the scars and bruises from this place.

Carl pov

I snuck into Negans place and I had one goal in mind, get her out, even if I have to kill Negan himself.

“Lets go” Negan brought me out if my thoughts and I didn’t follow “what are you going to do to me?” I asked and Negan turned “number one, do not shatter my image of you, you’re a badass, you’re scared of nothing, you’re not scared of me, number two, do you want me to ruin the surprise, Dwight can you get you know what?” he asked and I stayed cautious of what was happening.

Y/n pov.

“Boss got a visitor so today is your lucky day, you get to have some fun” he smiled and I stood myself up “I wouldn’t count this as fun” I huffed taking a deep breath to steady myself before following.

A Promise-Carl Grimes x readerWhere stories live. Discover now