a dead mans war

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The Governors trail went cold months ago and we assumed he was dead.

By the time the meds were in everyone's system they were getting better, they looked better.

There was a tank, and cars outside, everyone ran outside and they brought out Hershel and Michonne.

"Rick go down and talk, or I will" I huffed and he looked at everyone who nodded.

He went down, they were quite, I couldn't hear what they were saying, I had my hand on my pistol, everyone was ready to shoot.

The plan was to get on the bus when things got bad, I ran to make sure everyone knew what was happening, Glenn was scared "hey you stay out of the fight" Glenn ordered and I shook my head "I'm not 12 anymore, I can hold my own" I stood up and left him.

I held a gun on the fence beside Carl, this was our home and I wouldn't leave without a fight.

He held a sword to Hershels neck and I cocked my gun back aiming past Rick.

I waited for the wrong move, I waited for him to drive that sword to shoot.

He swung and I shot, I missed his head but got his arm.

"go inside, get the people safe" I did just that, first I checked C Block and grabbed my bag, it had everything from the Hideout in it, all the photos and memories.

One of the windows were shot out I ran out.

The tank was pushing forward.

As soon as the main gate was down I raised my gun to shoot but a guy got my on the ground.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled and he punched me again and again until he was shot falling on top of me I got him off and went to run.

I ran inside under the bridge, a walker behind me, I dropped it, as more came and I pulled it on top of me, more walkers fell on top and then rubble from the bridge fell.

I was trapped under walkers and some rocks, nobody knew I was there, I was trying to tell but nobody could hear me "Help please, I'm stuck under here!" my yells were too muffled and I tried to move a body but a rock hit my head.

I woke up, I could still hear walkers, everywhere, I was able to get out from under some an drag two into the clear.

I cut two of them open and put a poncho of sorts over me, and I slathered their blood and guts all over me, I pulled the hood up and put more up there, I took some rope I found and did what Michonne would do and cut the arms off, cut the jaw and put the rope around their necks to at least get myself out.

I made it out and killed the walkers.

I found a car and decided to stay in it, I only stopped driving to get gas, or food, maybe until I find some houses.

I was still relatively close to the prison, I found Carl's hat and decided I would task myself to return it.

My wrist got pretty busted up from the rubble and bodys falling on it.

My first trip was to find numbing cream, and something to wrap my hand with, I didn't know why I was scared, I survived like this for two years in a city with hoards of walkers every day.

I pulled one of the polaroid's of Carl and I out and put it in his stupid hat, "I'll find you, and we'll find Glenn and Daryl, we'll be ok" I assured myself and got out of the car, heading into the gas station.

I found what I needed and hid behind the counter to patch my wrist up, I made a made shift splint and sling so it would be easier to deal with.

I got decided to hang out in the cleared store, I blocked the door and windows best I could and decided to try my luck at smoking.

I lit the cigarette and couldn't bring it to my lips it smelled so bad.

I found my way to the roof and ate some food I found and drunk a two liter of flat sprite, the off brand stuff to be exact.

I found this old voice recorder and decided to keep track of the days until I found them.

"It's a day after the prison fell, I found Carl's hat and a car, I made it to a gas station and I think I'm going to hit the suburbs next, no more bites than the one I had" I said and tried to flex my wrist, almost crying out in pain.

I spent the rest of the night on the roof, the next morning I decided to leave but my car wouldn't start, and it wasn't gas.

I slashed and stabbed the tires and kicked the car until I couldn't, I looked at myself I'm the windows reflection and shook my head.

"your getting weak, your stronger than this, get that bat, and the nails, make yourself a quiet weapon, remember what I taught you!" she yelled

I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed my book bag, I put the knife back on my leg and my gun in the holster, "I'm going to find you Carl, and when I do I will never leave your side, even if that takes my marrying your dumbass" I huffed shaking my head.

I put his hat back on my head and made sure my bandages were tight.

I found a motorcycle and I drove until I found a map, to a place called Terminous, I fixed my newfound leather jacket and braced myself for the trip ahead.

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