the fall of the CW 2

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Carl's pov

I woke up and felt a bandage around my arm, I could hear crying as I came too. "Judith?" I mumbled sitting up "easy kid, you gave her a lot of blood" Carol slowed me to get up and I felt the room spin slightly, I looked over and Daryl was giving Judith blood, there was yelling and banging, and I got up to help "stay with Judith!" Daryl yelled and I nodded "what about Y/n?" I asked and Daryl shook his head "she hasn't been heard from yet" he looked down before leaving. I leaned against the wall beside Judith's bed, and my shoulders started to shake, then the tears fell and soon enough I was crying and praying that my little sister, my wife, my baby, I started to pray that we would make I through this fine, I couldn't lose anyone else, not after dad.

"what's happening? Where am I?" Judith started to panic, and I grabbed her hand "its ok, I'm here, were at the hospital" I whispered kissing her head softly "why? Why? Am I going to die?" she asked, and I softly smoothed her hair with my hand "no, no. I won't let you die" I calmed and she started to tear up and my heart started to break "feels like, it feels like I'm going to die. I can't die, mom is going to find dad, he's going to meet the baby and we'll be together, all of us will be together" she tried to keep talking but her own sobs cut her off "hey, hey. Its ok Judebug I promise, you are not going to die, your fine. You are fine" I whispered crouching beside her bed "you remember what mom told us?" I asked and she nodded "the one she said to dad? Yeah. We're the ones who" she fell back out, and the banging got closer "Judith? Come on Judebug!" I huffed grabbing a pen and paper writing Gated on it before Carol came in "the walkers breached, stay here and," "protect Jude?" I nodded and she blocked the door keeping both of us in, five minutes later the door opened, and I pulled Judith's bed as we ran out of the hospital.

Y/n Pov

I got to the hospital and there was a note that said gated, I must have just missed the group but as I got to the gates I heard the people yelling and I thought to find another way eventually seeing the orange of mercer "Mercer!" I yelled and he turned clearly shocked to see me "everyone is inside" he nodding to the house, and I hurried to the door opening it, I ran through like a madman until I found carl and I ran at him, when we met I spun him and I almost started to cry "I'm clean, completely, I didn't mean to get separated, where's Luke?" I asked not seeing him anywhere, Connie and Kelly, both approached me, and Carl let them, Kelly laid a hand on my shoulder and Connie shook her head, I started to cry and I shook my head "no. your, your lying, where is he" I signed and cried before eventually falling into the two girls with tears in my eyes.

After calming down and leaving the bathroom I found Rosita and Eugene behind the couch "you better now?" she asked, and I nodded sitting beside her and putting my head on her shoulder causing her to flinch slightly "Rosita? Did something happen to your shoulder?" I asked and she looked down at Coco "don't make a big deal, I want to enjoy my last moments in secret so nothing is ruined or put on hold" she whispered and I looked at Eugene with tears in my eyes shaking my head "but I need your help with the baby, I cant do it alone" I started to cry and she let Coco rest in one arm as she wiped my tears "you are not alone, you still have everyone here to help you, don't keep it a secret, for me?" she asked and I nodded standing, I had to leave or else I would have another breakdown.

Carl found me and sat against the hallway wall beside me "if this doesn't start to look up, we tell everyone tonight, and if it starts to go well, tomorrow morning" I huffed, and he nodded "one thing? Why?" he asked, and I grabbed his hands "I don't want to go through this pregnancy feeling alone, because I'm not. The truth is I have a whole family here to help me, a family that can help me through this, a family that shows me that I will never be alone." Tears accidentally started to fall down my face and carl just hugged me and held me close "its ok. I promise you that I will make sure you never feel alone" he whipered and Daryl told me that Judith said my name.

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