Authers Note

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Hey it's random here,

I wanted to quickly say I'm very sorry for the long delay and right this second I'm writing a chapter. I'm nearly finished and I hope it's gonna be out soon - I might not even bother editing it before publishing it.

I would like to mention the fact that though new chapters haven't been coming out in a while I have been busy writing other stories, editing this and other published ones and I had been off the app for a little since breaking my phone. Yet still I love to write even with some lost motivation I keep going. Please, for the sake of this story vote, comment and share because it really does help and not only that but it motivates me to keep going  and continue writing for you lot.

Once again, I'm terribly sorry for not being too active, I'm still alive, and I'm trying. I'm just human and I need time. Thank you for understanding.

Love you lots—

— Random xxo

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