"You have always been perfect" (xInsecurex)Dabi x reader

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Dabi wasn't always that confident man who seemed impossibly calm in rash situations. There were times he would wake up in cold sweat thinking about his past. There were times he would cry alone to himself in his room. What he thought was a sign of weakness, you only thought it was human.

"Haha, Dabi do those stitches ever itch or hurt?" Toga asked as she poked one. "I bet if you pull on it blood will come out-"

Toga's hand got slapped away, not by Dabi but by you.

"Toga it's not appropriate for you to pester people about there bodies." You said stepping behind Dabi, "He asked you not ask about it.".

"Your no funnnn [First Name]-san." She grumbled before walking away to the other side of the bar.

You sat where she was and looked over at Dabi, who was looking down at the bar. His face was blank but you knew there was something more. You reached over and put your hand on his forearm, "Dabi-"

"Get away from me [First Name]." He shrugged your hand off his arm.

"But Dabi-"


He walked away, probably to his room. You watched his back as he left, the sound of his door slamming telling you that he was in his room. You sighed and turned towards Kurogiri.

"Why does he push everyone away."

"I think he's more of pushing you away."

"HUH! Why?!"

"Your quirk is too...what's the word...empathetic?"

You stared at him blankly.

"Well we all know how your quirk works, when activated you bring up deep emotions in another person and they end up losing to there emotions. With that you can also suppress others emotions, am I right?"

"Yeah that's all right but I don't use my quirk around him."

"That's right but you being such a kind person, you make others want to talk to you about anything without the use of your quirk."

"So what your saying is that I'm a bad villian?"

"Yes and no. Your quirk is just more compatible with being a therapist and more in the hero world then here."

You sighed again and stood up. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Please don't blow up the building." Kurogiri sighed as he placed his glass down.

You slowly made your way down the hall to Dabi's door. You knocked twice before calling out to him. "Dabi, let me in.".

No answer.

"Dabi- OUCH! Did you heat up your door handle so I wouldn't come in?!" You held your hand that was now burnt. "UGH- JUST TALK TO ME YOU ASSHOLE!"

You slide down his door, your back pressed against it. You felt horrible for what you were about to do. You placed your hands below his door and against the threshold, releasing your quirk into his room. Moments later you heard a choked sob.

"Dabi, you don't have to open the door, just talk to me."

"Why would you use your quirk on me." His voice strained. "I'm already sad enough, I didn't need your damn quirk to make it worse."

He sounded close, like he was also sitting by the door.

"I'm sorry, it was the only way to get you to talk."

"I had to leave my family behind." He started, "my sister, my baby brothers. My mom. All because I was the failed son. When I saw him at the training camp, he looked so grown and I was so proud. I couldn't have just killed him like I was supposed to. My scars are a drawback from my own quirk. When I left home, I released all my anger out and ended up with 3rd degree burns all over my body. Now I'm hideous."

"That's not true! You're not hideous! Nor are you a failure. Your just as human as ever, you see that don't you?"

"I'm not."

"Dabi please open the door."

You expected him to say no, but he opened the door and let you in. You ran straight to him and hugged him. That's where you two stayed for the rest of the day, you comforting him.


I only wrote this to take a break from a smut request, my brain stopped working half way through it and I needed to write another one to get my brain working again hahaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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