❤️Kissing Izuku with "Spicy Lip gloss"❤️

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Izuku watches as you finish the last bit of your makeup before placing a big sloppy kiss onto your slightly pink lips. He wanted to have a cute little lipstick mark, but little to the poor boys knowledge he just walked into a whole new level of Spicy. Izuku has been fanning his mouth a little bit, not telling you anything.

"Izu? Are you okay?" You walked over to him and he looked at you, tears welded up in his eyes.

"Y/N...I think I'm allergic to you." He started to cry hard.

You bursted out laughing, he started to cry harder saying that it wasn't funny and that he was upset.

"I don't wanna be allergic to you, I want to give you many kisses!" He cried more.

You carefully grabbed the boys hands and pulled him down on the bed.

"Izu, I'm wearing lip Plumping lip gloss. Your not allergic to me." You finally tell him before bringing your hand to his cheek and kissing his cheek.

You walk over and get a makeup wipe and whip it off for him before wiping yours off to put on a normal lipstick so
He can have the lipstick print he wanted. Poor thing wouldn't kiss you without asking you first next time.

You eventually got a makeup wipe and wiped it off his lips.

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