Kugo Sakamata (Gang Orca) x reader

353 13 4

This was requested by @Gang_Orcas_Wife, sorry if it's bad 😓 it's also really short.

Kugo's hands landed on your shoulders, slowly rubbing the tension away. You slowly looked up at him, he was looking at your computer screen and his eyes widened.

"Your applying for a job at my agency? As what?" He took his hands off your shoulders and grabbed the mouse and started scrolling around on the computer, reading different headlines.

"Well you always said you wanted me to be around you more and you only come teach a class once a week, so I thought.....Maybe I could be a secretary at your office." You smiled and turned around in your chair to face him.

He looked at you as if you were absolutely crazy. He opened his mouth and closed it repeatedly before bursting out laughing, his deep chuckle catching you off guard.

"Why are you laughing? Do you not want me to work with you?" You questioned, tilting your head ever so slightly while raising a brow.

"Oh Y/N, Your In a relationship with the boss of the agency, Why do you think you have to put in an application?" He laughed.

"I don't know, I thought it would be more........Y'know Professional." You shrugged before turning back around in your chair to click off the application.

"Oh so it's professional to date your boss?" He smirked before sweeping you up into his arms and swinging you around in a hug.

"Well, Fine then. I'll apply for Endeavor's Agency then." You huffed, crossing your arms in defeat.

"Then I'd see you less. Please don't apply for HIS office." He pouted, hiding his face into your flannel shirt.

"Okay I won't!" You giggles before kissing his forehead.

He smiled knowing he gets a new secretary and gets to see his lovely girlfriend everyday. He saw this as a win win for both of you.


BNHA Boys x (Fem) readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang