Adding characters! Part 1

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Fumikage Tokoyami
How you meet

You warped through the shadows, but you somehow warped out of Dark Shadow. Scaring the living shit out of class 1A. Your class was class 1B, you warped away from Monoma who was trying to flirt with you, but you miscalculated where you would land. You were so embarrassed, but Tokoyami said it was okay. You two became close friends after this.

How he asks you out

"Dark Shadow, that tickles!" You giggles out as Dark shadow tickles you.

You already knew Tokoyami liked you because Dark Shadow likes to spill the Tea, like a lot.

"He Y/N, what do you think of me?" Tokoyami says making Dark Shadow stop.

"Well, your my best friend." You said smiling.

"Friend zoned! Ouch!" Dark Shadow said going away.

"W-wait no, that's not what I meant!" You sit ups to look at Tokoyami who seems extremely sad.

So you lean over and press your lips against his cheek, smiling happily.

"I like you Fumikage Tokoyami." You said unto his ear causing him to slightly jump.

"Y-Y-You do?" He said, blushing a lot.


"Y/N will you be my-"

"YES!" You interrupt him by tackling him and hugging him.

Hitoshi Shinso
How you meet

Your Kitten had ran away from home and a certain Purple haired boy found her.

You were running around the park near your house screaming her name while shaking a cat treat bag. You bumped into a purple haired boy with your kitten in hand. You were about to scream at the guy, until he handed you the kitten and smiled. He had patted the little one on the head before walking away, you felt bad. So you chased him down and said if he wanted to come see the cat sometime, he could. You gave him your phone number

How he asked you out

He had taken you to aquarium, to see the baby sea lions.

"Ahh Shinso, they are sooooo cute!" You smiled, trying to contain your squeals.

"Y/N, I love you." Shinso said hiding his face from you.

"I love you too Shinso." You said grabbing his hand before kissing his cheek.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
How you meet

You were just casually walking around the grocery store, picking up food for you little brother Kota. You were picking out different ice cream flavors when a tall boy with humongous eyelashes cuts in front of you, almost getting hit with your cart. You both my direct eye contact, causing you to look away. Dammit he's hot. He smiles and offers to help with your groceries, you allowed him to help you. Then your father comes out, Fourth Kind. You saw Tetsutetsu all that week.

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