Adding Characters part 2

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Yo Shindo
How you meet

You two love birds meet at the provisional license exam. Shindo separates you away from your class and then bumps into you, your hero costume only being a body suit. He blushes as he looks at the tight outfit, he loses his sense and immediately pushes you away before running away.

How he asks you out

"Y/N!" Shindo yells out to you as you run into his school's cafeteria, you run towards Tatami dramatically crying.

"TATAMI-CHAN HE BIT MEEEE!" You sobbed out, showing her your neck.

You caused a commotion so people did stare at you weirdly, then they realized you were a student from UA. Let's just say KetsuButsu students do not like UA's students. Shindo suddenly burst through the doors to find you with Tatami, he glared at you.

"Y/N! Come here!"

"NO YOU EVIL OCTOPUS!" You hid behind Tatami, Itejiro, and Shikkui.

Shindo sighed before stomping towards you, forcefully grabbing you and slinging you over his shoulder. You felt like a sack of potatoes, he held you effortlessly. You heard Tatami snicker something, before shindo walked out of the lunchroom with you in his grasp. Shindo placed you down on the ground, before pushing some stands of your hair back behind your ear.

"Y/N don't run from me." He said staring deep into your E/C eyes.

"I'm sorry, you bit me!" You said sarcastically.

"I love you." He said as he kissed you.

You kissed him back, happy that the boy you loved, loves you back.

"I love you too." You smile.

"Then be mine."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" You kissed him over and over again happy that he's finally yours.

Inasa Yoarashi
How you two meet

It was just an average Monday, you were excited to see Yoarashi today. Today you were gonna confess to him, hopefully he doesn't reject you. That was until you bump into Jackie, your bully. She start to bring your self confidence down, but Yoarashi wasn't having that. He came to your rescue, by telling her off and calling her unheroic. You thanked him and decided, feelings could wait.

How he asks you out

"Y/N your starring at Yoarashi again." Cami giggled.

You snap out of your trans, blushing. You clear your throat and try to sit up straight to seem more professional.

"No I'm not." You tried to sound confident.

"YOARASHI! Y/N HAS SOMTHIBG TO TELL YOU!" She yells out to the tall boy, before looking towards me and winking. "Get em tiger!".

Yoarashi started walking towards you, a smile plastered on his face. He walks over to you and looks down at you.

"You needed me?"


"Woah, slow down. I can't understand what your trying to say." He said putting his hands up.

I took a deep breath before looking up at him, with sad eyes.

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