Adding characters (last part)

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Tomura Shigaraki
How you meet

You screamed loudly in hopes a pro hero would hear you, no one was around. You sat in the grasp of a Nomu's arms, kicking and doing anything you could to get away. You were screaming and crying when it brought you into a place with people. They all watched as you sobbed on the floor for 3 hours, until a girl walked over to you with concern written on her face. She told you no was gonna hurt you, but you didn't believe her and sobbed more. Your eyes looked around the room and you saw him, maybe for a brief second but you knew something about him no one else knew.

How he asks you out

Who would have thought, the great Villain Tomura Shigaraki would have held his childhood best friend hostage. But that's not the case, more like you held him hostage.

"Tomura! PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEEEE!" You whined as he tried to escape your death grip of a hug.

"Get. OFF." He growled still trying to pry you off him.

"No!" You said like a little kid and wrapped your legs around his waist and threw your arms around his neck.

"God DAMMIT! WOMAN LET GO!" He growled louder.
"Kurogiri, get her off of me." Shigaraki said as he walked into the bar lounge with you clinging onto him.

"Sorry, Tomura. Your by yourself on that." Kurogiri went back to cleaning the glasses.

"I love you Tomura~" you purred.

"Yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes.

Suddenly he felt your grip leave.

"Where the fuck do you think your going?" He gripped your arm and pulled you back towards him.

"Somewhere, where my childhood friends loves me back." You pouted.

"I love you too..." he mumbled.


How you meet

you are the daughter of All For One and you were there as a 5 year old when your dad created Kurogiri, who is in fact a Nomu

How he asks you out

"Y/N" Kurogiri asks as he walks into your room.

"What do you want." You sniffled.

"I'm sorry."

"Go away."

He walked over to you and tucked a stand of hair behind your ear.

"I love you."

Toya Todoroki AKA Dabi
How you meet

Y'all only started talking when Toga locked you in a closet.

How he asks you out

He doesn't, like hawks. Dabi gets what Dabi wants.

Jin Bubaigawara (twice)
How you meet

Exactly how you met Tomura but you make eye contact with him.

How he asks you out

He buys you flowers and chocolates.

Gets down on one knee and straight up asks you to marry him.

You said yes.

Kai Chisaki
How you meet

You were sitting at your desk at home, when a bag was put over your head and you were knock out. You woke up in front of the yakuza. You were only kidnapped for information.

How he asks you out.

"Your mine now." You said as you walked into his office.

"Okay." He said back

~two hours later~

"WAIT WHAT!" Overhauls voice rang through the whole place.

Joi Irinaka
How you meet

Same scenario as Overhaul

How he asks you out


"REALLY" you yelled as you launched yourself out of bed and down the stairs. All the Yakuza watched as you slid down the rail of the stair's missing the oil on last step and run over to the window. " no snow." You looked up at mimic sadly, it broke his heart and the rest of the yakuza. You made them all grow a soft spot for you.

"Yes it is!" Mimic threw fake snow up into the air.

"Mimic take off your mask." You asked, he complied and pulled it down slightly to receive a big kiss from you. "I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N." He hugged you tightly before pumping a fist up and mouthing 'hell yeah' to his friends.

Sorry I rushed this, like a lot, I got it done in at least 20 minutes.

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