Chapter 1

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I woke up. The sun had just risen, and the orphanage was quiet. I quietly got out of bed, and went into the closet. ' Hmmm, this set of clothes seems fine. ' I thought, scanning the closet. I picked up the hanger the set was on, and went to go change. The place was now waking up. I went down to the mess hall early, to save my spot before anyone got to it.

• • • •

The sun has been up for a good 3 hours. I mustn't delay further to get to the fishermen's stand to get my stored rod. I left the orphanage doors, went past the gate, and into town. I walked past the food market, just opening. The smell of sweet breads and simple seafood dishes filled me as I passed by it. Maybe if I make enough today I can treat myself to something there. Few turns later I reached the place.

' Morning Charlie, how's the day been? ' said the fisherman. He was friendly, and the person you would like to be around. ' I'm doing fine, thanks. ' I replied. ' Can I retrieve my rod from the back? ' ' Ofcourse young one. It's in the barrel that's in the farest back. A small ocean liner came by last night, and several of the tourists on it had rods they wanted us to store. ' He said.

That was normal, since Japan is only about half an hour away by boat, and tourists like to see the coastal islands before reaching their main destination. I went to the back, grabbed my rod, and thanked the fisherman before heading my way to the forest not far. I traveled along the dirt path made through the forest, to a small empty beach. I got myself comfortable on the edge of it, and zoned out as I started to fish on the side of the beach.

When I snapped back into it I realized it was close to dusk, and a small dark gray lizard was laying next to me, bathing itself in the sun. We then made eye contact. We stared at each other for a little, before the lizard came up to me and made a small ' Squeak!' noise. I carefully lifted my hand over the lizard to pet it. The lizard let me pet it. It felt rather smooth, with occasional bumps from the scales. ' I have to leave now. I'll be back tomorrow though. ' I said. The lizard seemed to understand as I got up and started to track back to town.

• • • •

I put my paid money in my hidden jar and headed back to the orphanage. I felt in such a great mood that I forgot about the Mistress. The Mistress of the orphanage was the cruel wife of the head of the place, Mr. Osborne. He's aware of what she does, but is often too busy to discipline her. However when he has the chance he does. It doesn't seem to make much difference unfortunately. When I passed the gate, she was standing at the door with hard cold eyes.

My heart stopped. Oh no, what now? I slowly approached her, and when I reached the bottom of the stairs up to the door, she said hard and sternly, ' You are back awfully late. What were you doing? ' I hesitated and replied, ' I was fishing by the beach. I zoned out and didn't realize until it was almost dark. ' I said. ' But nothing else. I swear.' She didn't look convinced. ' Are you sure? ' she said. ' You weren't doing anything you know you aren't supposed to be doing? You seem like you are hiding something from me. ' This person really wasn't convinced, and I'm an honest person!

' What's the trouble here?' said Mr. Osborne. Thank god, he came at the perfect timing. ' Charlie came back late. I believe she was doing something wrong. ' said the Mistress. ' Charlie wouldn't do anything of the sort. She probably just zoned out while going out. Why don't you just finish getting ready for tomorrow? ' he replied. The Mistress glanced at me, murmured something inaudible, and went inside to her quarters, and Mr. Osborne followed. I sighed in relief, and went inside. What a day, oh what a day.

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