Chapter 9

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The bus stopped at the state line between New Jersey and New York. When I asked why, they said, ' I don't know, we've just been ordered to stop going on those routes for the time being. You might as well walk the rest of the way. It's only about a 30 minute walk anyways. ' I thanked the bus driver and got off.

When I was about 5 minutes out from the city, there was a long, thick, tall wall of barbed wire. There were red and yellow signs saying ' Do not cross ' and ' Trespassers will be fined ' and several others. I couldn't see any weak points in this part of the wall, so I started walking along the wall, searching for that weak point.

After a few minutes I found a large divot in the barbed wire. It looked like a large footprint, which l assumed was the creature's footprint. When I examined it though, there was a thick liquid-ish substance, which I assumed was the creature's blood. Ouch. Beyond the wire there were more of the footprint tracks. By the seams of it this space creature attempted to leave New York City, but went back with a slight limp.

I carefully went over the squashed wire, and safely got past it. I was now in the suburban parts of the city. It was in shambles, with smoke rising from several spots. That's when I noticed something as I passed through. There were some yellow electric zaps every now and then, just like the ones at the town. Does this mean this creature has been here the entire time, and they didn't know?

As I thought about this,I noticed something come out of the nearby bay. When I looked closer, I realized it was the creature from the sound in Japan! It looked upset and tense as it got out of the water. It looked around the city, scanning it. It started in my general direction for a few seconds. It seemed relatively calm for those few seconds before going back into a more aggressive stance and going into the city towards the downtown area.

From the same area it was going to, I heard several crashes. That's when it came to me. Since these two creatures were like major superpowers, they are going to compete for absolute dominance! This was a Cold War scenario, only with Kaiju instead of countries, and a few other things.

As it approached the area where the crashes were heard from, something inside of me was yelling at me to go over there and check it out from a close view. I knew it was a stupid idea, but even though I resisted, my body ended up dragging me towards the upcoming scene.

As I went there, I noticed that there were several heavy duty trucks flipped over and on their sides, along with dead armed men. When I decided to detour to examine the scenes, I noticed that they all had a similar symbol on their uniforms. When I thought about it for a second, I realized that they were from the lab!

Looks like they also got the notification about this. Only they seemed to come at the wrong time. Honestly, I felt a little bad for them, but not that much. A few moments later my body started dragging myself once more towards the upcoming scene. As I approached, I noticed that there were shakes and movements every now and then, and there was a little less time between as I got closer.

As I passed by a shopping center in shambles, I heard a loud crash behind me. I flinched hard, and froze in fear of what it could be. I slowly turned around, and what I saw amazed yet scared me. It was a tall, yellow colored creature. Its scales were slightly reflective with the sun, and there were black spots on it. It seemed to lack arms or upper legs, but had large wings as a replacement. It had 2 tails, each with clubbed and spiked endings. It also had three heads, which was slightly unsettling.

We just stared at each other for a few hard moments. Then the creature made a growl-like noise and approached me. I started to back up rather quickly, and then went into a sprint. I knew that was a terrible idea, since now the creature is chasing me. I was about to take a turn when I heard a loud crash behind me. When I glanced I saw that the creature from the island had crashed itself into the space creature into some buildings.

The space creature roared in anger, and by the sounds of it the island creature had the upper hand. At Least for the moment, that is. I went into a nearby building for cover and regained stamina. I looked around for any possible sullies I could use in defense or anything like that. Then the roof caved in as a wing crashed through. I saw several open wounds on the wing, however moments later they seemed to heal themselves!

The space creature was pinned next to the ground, but still managed to fight back the island creature somehow. One of the heads seemed to notice me, and while fighting off the island creature signaled to each other. They started glowing a brighter shade of yellow in some parts, and a charge-like noise came from them. I backed up, and as I did that they shot a beam of yellow electricity at the island creature.

With this sudden powerful attack, the island creature had abruptly backed up. Then it got up and took advantage of this stun to pin down the island creature. The weight already seemed to have a slight toll on the island creature, which was a huge disadvantage. I worried for the island creature. Even though we had a rough past, it didn't sit right with me for it to be defeated in this way.

So I grabbed some metal rods on the ground, and as the space creature was about to do another beam, I started banging the rods together. It then stopped its beam and stared at me with aggression. It did a slight bite at the island creature before starting to come back my way. I dropped the rods and started running. The space creature then beamed the top of some buildings, and when the rubble fell and settled, I realized I was trapped. The creature also closed off the sides and behind itself.

As I looked behind the creature, I noticed the island creature was getting hit by some rather large pieces of rubble. That didn't feel good I bet. The space creature approached me, and gradually there was less and less space for me to go. Soon enough I was basically cornered. The creature seemed to have a satisfied look on it, however I wasn't sure of that because I don't quite get Kaiju expressions. The creature lifted one of its wings towards me, and that's when I noticed that on the tip of its wing it had a sharp, pointed object. It looked to be a few feet long, and at this sight I got more nervous than I was already.

It held it right up against the side of my torso. There were a few moments of stillness. Then I noticed out of the corner of my eye, I saw a heavy truck come through the side of a wall, crashing through. It was mostly black, but had a few yellow streaks on it. I was about to look back at the space creature, when suddenly its wing tip impaled my side. I almost immediately blacked out at this action.

First I felt only a throbbing pain, but then it faded away rather quickly. I then couldn't feel anything. I felt nothing. All I could see was a black void.

Am I dead?

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