Chapter 4

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I woke up to a knock on my hotel door. ' Just a minute! ' I shouted as I drously but quickly made myself somewhat presentable. I opened the door to find a janitor outside. Strange. ' Uhm, can I help you with anything?' I said, unsure of what to say.' Sorry for the early intrusion, ' He said. ' but I have some things to tell you relating to yesterday. '

I was hesitant, but replied, ' Uh, what is it that you would like to tell me? ' ' ' Well, first you have to go back to the island. ' He said. Excuse me, what! This guy wanted me to go back to that hell place! I swear to god this guy is crazy. ' You, want me to go back to the island? Really? ' I said. He responded calmly, ' Yes, I want you to go there. If you do you will find the truth behind the incident, and you might be able to get back at Shar— the being. '

I thought about this for a short moment. This was surprisingly convincing. I might as well be crazy because I responded with, ' Fine, I'll go. ' He then pulled a dark gray glove out of his pocket, and as he put it on he said, ' Alright, I'll be on my way then. Good luck ' . And with that he left the room. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt a second. Did he say a name when he was about to say ' the being'? I sped over to the edge of the door frame, stuck my head out, and said ' Hey janitor gu- ' but he was already gone. But it had only been a few seconds, and it's a rather long corridor. Strange. Then again nothing around here is normal, so might as well go along with it.

Later that day, I got on one of the city's public transportation buses. About an hour and a half later the bus stopped about 5 miles from the outer neighborhoods of the city where the incident happened. ' Can't go any farther. ' the bus driver said. ' Authorities's rules. ' I understood, and paid the driver as I got off and started trekking towards the ruined city.

I expected the city to be empty, other than the left weaponry and any critters that ventured there from lack of activity. But when I made it there, apparently there were quite a few people. And by that I mean possibly a few hundred. I recognized their uniform; it was the same from the American governmental organization. These people are definitely doing something not related to the contract details. I carefully snuck through some buildings as a fAnCy truck passed through, and it seemed to be carrying some boxes and scientists. The scientists were holding a wooden frame that held some viles. I wonder what those are for. I continued to go through and behind buildings and rubble.

I managed to get relatively close to the coastline, but I ran into an armed guy. We just stared at each other for a second, before I said ' You saw nothing, I'm not real. ' and ran off. He was still confused, but he shrugged it off and went on. I went along the beach of the island and looked around. Hopefully the small wooden boats locals left around here survived the incident. After walking for a few minutes, I found one. I flipped over the boat and started dragging it.

I managed to get it in the water properly, and I started rowing it across the sound* to the island on the other side. I rowed steadily. So far, I've had no interruptions since I've gotten on water. Surprisingly the Americans didn't notice me, or they have noticed me but don't care. The coastal patrol wasn't in the area currently, which was perfect with my plan.

I was about 100 meters away from the coast of the island when I heard several loud-ish splashes. When I looked behind me some spikes sunk back into the water. My heart stopped at this sight. I froze in fear. I sat still in the boat, in the middle of the water, possibly above the creature, and I had no idea what to do.

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