Chapter 15

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After a few seconds I felt Bucks pull me back from the widow with my harness. He then pulled out those straps from earlier and strapped down my legs, and put me back in the kennel. ' There. ' he said. ' That should make sure you don't try anything. Thanks to you, we found nothing that could help our case. '

' Actually, I did find something. ' said American Bucks. Bucks looked at him confused for a second, and American Bucks continued, ' Well, when I went down the tunnel, I found a map inscribed on the wall, and I made sure I memorized it. It looked like a picture of Australia, and it had an X on it, right about the center of it. ' ' Oh come on, ' said Bucks. ' Australia? Really? I've just about had enough of that place. Do we really have to go there? '

' Well if you insist on bringing Charlie back to her normal state and not whatever mess she's currently in, I'd say yeah we gotta go.' responded American Bucks. Bucks sighed and sat back in the seat he was in. ' The flight will be about 45 minutes. ' said American Bucks. ' So don't get too comfortable. ' I just stared into space the entire time. Surprisingly time passed by quickly that way because what felt like 5 minutes later American Bucks said we were about to land.

I got myself up at least on my side, since I couldn't stand up. Bucks took out his phone, dialed in something, and started a call with someone. The call ended when the plane landed and Bucks said, ' Alright. We won't have to walk the whole way. I got another rental car, and it/s about a ten minute walk from here.

• • • •

We were about 10 minutes from the given location American Bucks said was on the wall. The car we were in was coincidentally an orange-tan, because this is Australia. I was in the back passenger seat, still in the kennel, legs strapper, and the freaking harness. ' What was kinda weird about it, ' said American Bucks from the front passenger seat. ' Was that it looked new-ish. Like it has been carved in there recently. It also had slight yellow flaking on it from some kind of mineral. '

' Hm. Weird. ' said Bucks. He sounded a little nervous, but was keeping a great job at hiding it. American Bucks and Bucks continued having a conversation, however it was inaudible to me. That's when I heard something, or someone whispering in my head. It wasn't very clear, but I was able to make out something like ' I'm not far, don't worry. ' or something like that. Hm.

A few minutes later we turned into a parking lot, and there were one or two buildings, one of them being a bar. Of course there had to be a bar. When the car parked, Bucks and American Bucks got out. American Bucks went into the driver's seat, and Bucks came to open the door that was right next to me. When he opened the door, I noticed a van in the background. When I looked at it closer, it was a black and yellow van, just like Kaodorah's!

I slightly wagged my tail, knowing he might not be far away. Bucks noticed my sudden slight optimism and looked behind him and also saw the van. He looked at me and said sternly, ' No. Do not be happy about that. He's the bad guy, remember? '

I sighed and stopped. Then someone tapped on Bucks's shoulder, and when he looked to see who it was he seemed a bit happy. ' Bucks! I'm glad you came here, even on short notice. I have some things to tell you about that mind control thing. ' said the stranger, and then he went into a whisper. The mind control thing again? Why is everyone talking about it? It's not even possible with this generation's technology, and I am definitely not being mind controlled.

I flipped myself to the other side of the kennel, not really favoring the conversation. I just stared out of the window, seeing if there was anything interesting happening on this side of the car that wasn't about that stupid mind control concept. Since there wasn't anyone next to us for a few lots, I had a larger view of the parking lot. I noticed that there was a card game going on, so I turned my attention to that.

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