Chapter 16

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We were in the plane, and Bucks was shuffling through the back, seeing if he could find something like a kennel, since the last one kinda exploded. American Bucks pressed some buttons, hit the control panel, and came to the back with me. He took off his shades and started to clean them a bit. Yeah, he's been wearing heavily tinted shades the entire time. ' Welp, can't find anything right now. ' said Bucks.

Bucks Then sat by American Bucks, and we now had a triangle. We then just kinda sat there in dead silence, other than the plane engine. ' So what now? ' said Bucks. ' Go back to Japan and see what else we can find at that temple that's probably infested with Morigon now? ' American Bucks then seemed like he just remembered something, and said, ' Wait, I just remembered this piece of parchment from the temple that's been in my pocket the entire time. ' and he pulled out a piece of parchment paper, and it showed a sketch of the west coast of America.

' If you look at it closely, you'll notice that it has an entire network mapped out of underground passageways for Morigon and Kaodorah's thing. It looks like Kaodorah's main base is on San Nicolas Island. Maybe we can try to surprise attack him and try to take him out, or at least abduct him and explain what he's done and why, because there's no way he would need Charlie for anything, let alone to end humanity, if he can just use his special abilities. '

I exhaled loudly, in an annoyed kinda way. He didn't have to be rude about it. ' Alright then. ' said Bucks. ' We can try that. It doesn't sound too shabby of a plan, and he wouldn't be expecting a direct attack on the home base if it's just three people. He might think we're in Japan or somewhere in Southeast Asia anyways. ' We all seem to agree with this plan, and Bucks was already getting a rental car over the phone.

American Bucks went to pilot the plane to the coast of California to land it before finding the underground entrance to the island. This was a pretty solid plan to me. I'm just hoping nothing goes wrong, like if Morigon got in the way and causes a lot of problems. That shouldn't happen, since they might expect us to be in Southeast Asia too.

When we landed, Bucks told us to stay in the plane, and that he would be right back. When he came back he was holding, guess what, a kennel from the airport. ' Apparently airports have to have these, and they give them out for free as long as they are returned within 30 days and are too tattered. Convenient, right? ' said Bucks. I sighed and got in the kennel, and honestly at this point I could care less. I figured out how to get out, and he doesn't know that.

After somehow passing security checks, we got out of the airport. We started walking to the main city, which is where American Bucks said the entrance was. I admired some of the cool things that were on the sidewalk. There was someone doing cool dance moves, a mime, and someone was even selling baked goods. I guess humanity isn't as bad as Kaodorah said it was......

We then made it to the city square, which was heavy with foot traffic. There was a large and wide stone beam thing, which was showing things like the news. Then suddenly the video projection got fuzzy, and an anonymous voice started speaking. Everyone, and I mean everyone was looking at the center column thing. What was on it shocked and kinda scared me. It showed images of Bucks and American Bucks on different parts of our adventure.

The intercon voice said that they had committed serious crimes such as homicide, animal trafficking, animal abuse, and some other things. I didn't think that being with these guys was amazing, but I wouldn't say it was like that! The intercon was then just on a loop, and after a moment or two into the next loop, someone shouted in the background, ' Look, there they are! ' Everyone then looked to where the man was pointing, and all eyes were on us. People then started calling the number given on the screen.

Well sh&$. Before Bucks could find a quick exit, several vans showed up, all Morigon. About 15 armed people came out with their guns out, shouting at us to put their hands up and drop the kennel. American Bucks whispered something to Bucks, and they nodded. They started to raise their hands a bit, and Bucks started to lower the kennel. I think I knew what was happening, but wasn't quite sure. At this action, the Morigon agents started to lower their guard and approach us.

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