Chapter 11

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I walked through the destroyed city. I looked around and sniffed the air, attempting to catch the trail of my target. Kaodorah said he would be here. I caught his scent trail, and followed it. A few turns later, I stopped in my trail to see that he was on the other side of the turn I just took. We stared at each other for a moment.

He swayed his tail slightly, and stared rather confused, and he was giving the look of when you see someone who knows but doesn't look recognizable. That was strange, since I've never met him before. I growled at him, and jumped at him, aiming for a bite to the neck to end this quickly.

He roared and ripped me off of him. I tried to get back at him as he threw me away, but that went unsuccessful.

I got up and recovered as fast as I could, and went for the quickest attack, which was a bite to the ankle. I bit in rather hard, and he roared in pain and anger. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something flicker, and when I looked I saw that the spikes on his back started to glow white, along with the inside of his mouth.

Then there was an abrupt pain in my side, and I was torn off his ankle. I looked over where the pain was throbbing from, and that's when I saw his stinger-ended tail had impaled me, and I was practically immobilized for the time being. When I looked back at him I saw that he had shot his atomic beam, and I shot back quickly in response.

The beams collided, and they were at stalemate for a moment. I looked to the side for a moment and saw a navy blue car, and next to it there was a person with what seemed to be...a gun? It seemed to be aimed at me. How lovely, a 2v1. Hopefully Kaodorah comes soon enough, this lizard is already hard enough.

He was about to do a power burst when I felt something impale me from the side. Oh my good lord, can I not be impaled for more than 30 seconds? Everything went white for a moment, and when things came to I realized I had shrunk! What the actual hell. The gunman ran up, pulled what seemed to be a dark out of me, and quickly carried me to the car. He put me in the back, and strapped me down rather tight. He then ran into the driver's seat and started speeding off.

I noticed how the lizard was just as confused, because his beam was abruptly cut off. He stared at the car I was in, and growled. I tried to get out of the straps I was in, but it was in vain. Damn, this guy was adamant about limiting my movement. He pulled out a walkie talkie and shouted into it, ' Dammit man, where's the helicopter? This Universe's Sharax is chasing us, and he seems pretty pissed off. ' he said, as he looked in the driver's mirror.

He took a turn as a beam blasted through the road we were just on. I growled slightly at him, kind of upset with him for several reasons. ' Okay jez you don't have to cuss out at me. ' he said. ' Wait what–' I said, confused. This human can speak kaiju? ' Yes, ' he said. ' Yes I can understand what you are saying. Before you ask, I have a kaiju translator. Now where the hell is he! ' I just layed there, quiet and anxious. I can't believe this human is managing to barely miss the lizard's beams.

Then a voice came over the walkie talker saying, ' Sorry for the delay man, there was some air traffic. I'm flying over you right now. Should the top of that parking garage be fine? ' ' Sure man. Just watch out for that Sharax. ' the driver responded. He sped up a bit more as a helicopter passed over us towards a parking garage that was in rather decant shape.

The driver started driving as he managed to avoid the beam of the lizard, which they seemed to be calling Sharax.

He swerved into the parking garage and quickly went up the 4 levels of parking to the top. On the top there was a helicopter parked. From the helicopter the pilot shouted, ' Hurry up! I don't have much fuel on this! ' The driver ran out of the car and opened the back. He picked me up and went by the helicopter, and as he went over a beam went through the car.

' Damn what did you do to anger him this much? ' he said. He sighed and also said, ' You know what, screw this. ' He lifted his other arm and with his watch he seemed to press some things, and moments later some sort of vortex opened up. ' What the hell- ' I said, surprised by this sudden appearance.

A missile then flew out of it towards the lizard, and got a direct hit to his chest. He roared and was also slightly stunned for a moment. A ship flew out of the portal and landed nearby us. ' Wait, you could've just pulled that out this entire time? I almost died! ' yelled the pilot. ' Just get into the ship, we'll talk later! ' shouted the driver back. We went in, and the driver guy put me down on the ground in the ship and went into the controls or the vehicle. The craft started going up, and moments later we were flying off away from the completely destroyed city. 

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