Chapter 6

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When I woke up, I was in a closed off glass room. I had apparently also been changed into something like a patient hospital uniform, only longer and white. Also the flooring and bench I was on was white. Wherever I am, it's overly sanitary. Outside there were scientists and other people, walking around and other science-y things.

I just sat on the bench I was laying on, unsure of what to do. Then someone came to the side of the containment I was in, and pressed a card against the side. A door opened, and he went into an empty space. The door behind him closed, and a mist sprayed on him. Might as well be a sanitation station. What the hell is going on for them to do that?

The mist stopped a few seconds later, and the door in front of him opened, and closed as he passed it. ' I see you were involved in some things you should've not been. ' he said. ' Yes, I know that. Why should it bring me here though? You Americans are always being excessive, I swear! ' I said. He seemed slightly annoyed by this comment, but it serves him right. ' Well, you see, ' he said. ' This is a necessary protocol. And no, this isn't like one of those " yOu WeRe ExPoSeD tO tOxIc StUfF fRoM P.B.W. ". No, this is serious. '

' What do you mean? ' I responded. ' I've lived a relatively normal life until recently. Ever since you Americans showed up everything has been a heck of a ride. '' He seemed a bit more annoyed and responded, ' You see, when that incident 14 years ago happened, you were exposed to high quantities of the toxins within the rain, and so, so many things could've gone wrong between then and now. We have been attempting to relocate any lost items and bring them here. That also includes anyone who has had high exposure to them. But you are also very lucky, because you're the only survivor of these mass exposures. '

I had mixed feelings about this. So this guy is telling me that I have high levels of some kind of toxin, and I've managed to survive? ' I'm confused about what you are saying. ' I said. ' I can understand that. ' he said. He looked at the ground and pondered for a bit. He exhaled and said, ' You see, before that disaster we had labs within the nuclear power plant facility. We were testing some things there. However there was a certain reaction between several items that caused an explosion, and led to the facility's destruction. ' ' What exactly were you testing with? ' I asked, curious on how serious these toxins were.

' ....... ' He seemed hesitant to respond, but a moment or two he responded with, ' Kaiju Blood. The four majors along with a rare sample. ' I was speechless. They were doing some experiment thing, and I got exposed to it? Blood exposure itself is extremely unhealthy and dangerous, and I got exposed to giant overpowered creatures' blood? ' T-there's no way. It would be impossible to get any of that. ' You're joking, right? Heh heh, funny. ...... This has to be a joke. '

' I'm not joking, under any circumstance. ' he responded. ' We do not joke around here. ' I had nothing to say. I just stared at the ground, unsure of anything. A few moments later the scientist broke the silence. ' Anyways, we didn't bring you here just to contain these remaining txns, but something much bigger. You see, recently we've detected abnormal activity from our station in space. We've managed to get pictures of glimpses of it, and have put it together to get an idea on what it is. '

' And what is it? A large meteorite? ' I said. ' No, but in fact something similar to the species Monster Zero is. However this one appears to be larger, back spots on his torso, and 3 times stronger than Monster Zero. And by the looks of it, he is rather quickly approaching Earth. The last trace we have of him is the destruction of one of Jupiter moons, which doesn't leave us with much else. ' He said.

' Well, I must ask, how does this involve me? ' I said. ' Like, I get I would be in a civilian context if I wasn't here, but why am I involved in this way? ' ' Well, from these high exposures of said toxins, there is a high chance you would be a large target of this creature. With access to them he could possibly create something that could be associated with the end of the world. ' He said.

' But how would he extract them? By killing me? ' I said.' Well, he might not have to kill you. ' said the scientist. ' With the amounts you have within, there's a possibility you could become something of a kaiju with certain triggers. ' ' Excuse me excuse me, what? You're saying that I could possibly become something that this monster thing could use? ' I responded.

He was hesitant for a moment, and responded, ' Yes, that is a possibility. However, we are unsure of what could cause these things. That's why we have you in this..erm...containment. We can find out these triggers, and if the outcome is more destructive than we can safely control, we can at least keep you here to keep society safe. '

I thought for a moment. This seemed like the safest approach if there were to be something wrong with me like this. And like he said, it will keep society safe and myself. ' Alright, I will stay here, and I will cooperate. ' I said. The scientist seemed satisfied with this, and said, ' Alright then. I will be on my way. You will receive further notice on anything. I have other matters to attend to. ' And with that he left via the same sanitation process, and disappeared within the organized traffic of people moving around. 

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