Chapter 22

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So here I was being stared down by a very angry and supercharged Sharax. He did not look like he was in the mood for any compromises. Morigon then just had to make the most genius move by firing at him. He turned over to them, and started beaming them down. Well this was great. I looked around to see if I could find Bucks quick enough. Bucks knows what he's doing, hopefully. However, I couldn't find him anywhere. Well that's just great.

I noticed that the undocked ships from earlier that Bucks said were American Bucks's had docked on the island, and were unloading. Maybe they would help out a bit. When I put my attention back to Sharax, I saw that Morigon was mostly gone already, and I saw several people were running. Sharax seemed satisfied with that for now, and looked directly at me. I tensed myself, and slightly lowered myself.

Maybe if I try to show that I'm more loyal to him, he would leave me and everyone else alone. But he wasn't having any of it, because he started to charge at me. I got into a defensive stance, and as he was about to tackle me, I slipped down and managed to maneuver myself out of the way of his attack. I slashed at his side as he regained balance. He looked like he was about to try to claw at me, so as I was about to counter that, he hit me with his tail with such force that it threw me a bit.

As I was about to get up he grabbed me and threw me into the hill. This was with such force that it knocked the wind out of me, which made me immobile for a few moments as I tried to regain air in my lungs. During these few moments Sharax clawed me with his hands, and once I was able to move again and, well, breathe I tried to counter him by clawing his torso with my lower legs.

At this Sharax grabbed me by the neck and carried me back to the opening where most of the battle had been fought and covered in Kaodorah's ashes. He then held me up, and growled. I tried to get myself out of this by squirming around, but that was in vain. Sharax started to charge up his beam, and I started to panic. I kept trying to get out of his grasp, but it was useless. That's when I heard something like a charging noise in the background.

Sharax abruptly stopped charging his beam to look to see what else could possibly be trying to attack him now, but when he looked he seemed a bit confused. When I looked, I saw it was Bucks! Bucks was holding his mop, and he did something before it turned into something that kind looked like the railgun, but it wasn't exactly that. The charging noise then stopped, and there was a moment of silence before some kind of beam came from his mop!

It hit Sharax directly in the head,and the force was strong enough that it caught him off balance. As he collapsed, I was able to get out of his grasp. Sharax seemed stunned for a moment, and the yellow glow he was emitting was fading. I went over by Bucks, and he said, ' you looked like you needed some help. I was going to let you figure things out yourself and I would leave, but of course you needed help. '

I laughed a bit to myself. He does have a point. ' Anyways, I have to go now. Good luck, and please don't let this happen again. It was hard enough this time. ' I nodded, and he pressed a few things on his glove before a vortex opened. He went through it, and it closed. I looked back at Sharax, and saw that he was getting up. The yellow, electric glow he was emitting was gone, and we made eye contact. He blankly stared at me before turning and going towards the ocean. Looks like a hit to the head fixes all memory problems! (A hit to the head doesn't restore memories so don't try it). He looks back one more time before going into the water, and no longer visible.

I looked around. Morigon seemed to be gone, and the guys who were with American Bucks seemed to also be gone, like everything they had was just gone. I guess they went back to their own universe or whatever. I looked back at Kaodorah's base, and saw that it was still in-tact. I went over to it, and just stared at it.

I thought about everything that had happened, and thought that I would never want something like this to happen again, or to anyone. I charged up a beam, and destroyed it all. It was done. Everything that was left of Kaodorah was gone. I smiled a bit to myself. It was all over. I wouldn't have to be in lies anymore.

The End

Or is it?........

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