Chapter 7

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It's been a few days, possibly a little more than a week. Nothing much has really happened since the scientist told me everything. For some, no-one seemed to want to make eye contact with me or anything like that. Some people would glare then whisper to some people next to them. Others would stare, and quickly look away when they noticed I was looking at them.

I hadn't gotten any new information on the testing yet. Days would feel long, probably because there was really nothing to do other than have mental conversations with myself. Even the people who provided my food, which was rather simple school-meal style, didn't make any kind of contact with me other than telling me it's time to eat.

Honestly, this felt kind of like the treatment of an animal of sorts. Is that what I am to them, with what I could possibly become? Am I just a lab rat to them? I might never know. I mean, they could als just be scared of me, surely that was a more realistic approach? As I thought, I didn't notice an unfamiliar person go through sanitation and enter the containment thing I was in.

' Good afternoon miss. ' they said. ' After some delays, we are ready to start injectal tests. The people assigned for today's tests will be here in about 10 minutes. Is this all good with you? ' I was startled at first from this abrupt thought interruption. I stared at the ground for a moment, and responded with a flat, ' Alright '. The stranger nodded, and rather quickly left the containment.

For the next few minutes I just stared at the ground. I wasn't really thinking of anything, I just stared at the ground. 8 minutes have now passed. I looked up and noticed that most of the hallway had been cleared of people. A group of 4-5 scientists walked through the hallway, and by the containment outer door. They were holding a few rather small white boxes.

They went individually through the sanitation, and when they were grouped back together. I looked down and up at them, and it seemed like they were unarmed. That's comforting. After they all entered, some went in a semi circle facing me, however were by the door. 2 others, which were holding the boxes, went to the wall closest to me and applied a small table-like thing via suction.

They box set their boxes down, however one of them went over to the other person, and whispered something in their ear. They then went to the other 2 people and stood there. The person at the box entered in a numerical code, and the box opened with some of that fAnCy steam flowing out. From where I was, it looked like there was a barrel flange, and the needle separate. There were also gloves, a surgical mask, and an eye protector.

These guys were really keeping it serious. They applied the eye protection and mask, following with the gloves. They then put the barrel flange and syringe together, and now we got what looks like a shot. The fluid was a rust-like color. The scientist pushed any air bubbles in the liquid out, and carefully came over to me.

' Now for this to go right. ' the scientist said, with a slight tremble of nervousness. ' I need you to stay still and calm. If you move there could be incorrect precision, and staying calm just helps the process in general. If there are any interruptions just stay still and do not react unless spoken to directly. ' I nodded, and stared off into the otherside of the containment.

There was a sudden loud bang, and a ceiling vent in the containment fell along with a person. Once some dust cleared, I recognized the person. It was the janitor from earlier! He got up, murmuring something, dusted himself, and looked up. ' Oh, this place. ' he said. The scientist looked petrified.

' Oh, you again. ' said the janitor. ' Last time we saw each other, you were doing weird crap in that lab and caused an explosion. You might as well drop that syringe before we reenact that. ' ' There's no way I will do that. I must do this for the company. We can then have defense against him. Your false beliefs are not going to get in the way this time, Bucks. ' said the scientist.

Then I noticed that on the other side of the containment, almost everyone had a handgun in their hands, tense or aiming at him. The janitor, or Bucks as they said, seemed to also be aware of this. ' Well then. ' said Bucks. ' I might as well keep this peaceful and take her and walk right out of the door. Without resistance would be preferable. '

The scientist pulled out a walkie talkie, and was about to say something into it. Bucks then pulled out what seemed to be a handgun, and shot the walkie talkie out of the scientist's hand. [ for any young viewers, there were no serious injuries during the ordeal ] As I got up Bucks said, ' You might want to take that syringe. Just be careful with it. '

As he said, I picked it up. I walked over by him, and followed him out of the facility. I didn't intervene with any of the rather violent actions he did on anyone stopping his way. After about 30 minutes of light resistance and elevators we got outside of the facility. I looked behind, and it didn't look like there was a facility. Who knew that hills could hide so much?

' Welp, since I can't stay for much longer, ' said Bucks. ' I might as well spoil the story a bit. ' ' Uhm, okay..? ' I responded. He cleared his throat, and said, ' Well, since we both know you can't go into the public eye in that, you're going to come across an elder that will offer you some clothes. Also, please do listen to that letter from the New Yorker. '

He pointed his hand towards a nearby city. ' Go in that direction. ' he said. ' And things will be fine. At least for today.. ' I looked over there. ' Alright. Wait did you say something el- ' But when I looked back, he was gone. This Bucks guy is strange. 

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