Chapter 13

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From the kennel I saw people getting out of the tank. ' So who exactly were those guys? ' I asked. ' This little, well I guess not so little, company. ' said Bucks. ' They were supposed to be helping me, but I guess they backstabbed that deal. Again. ' I thought for a moment and said, ' Well, wouldn't this country's government just shut them down? They've broken several laws just from what we've just seen. '

' Well yes, they would've been arrested and shut down, ' said Bucks. ' If they hadn't promised something to the government ' I stared at him for a second and said, ' Which was? ' ' A super weapon. ' said Bucks. ' Which was....? ' ' You. ' Bucks replied, flatly. ' The American government needs something to make itself look better than its inner chaos. Like you said, people are corrupt and just want power for themselves. '

I huffed slightly, a bit annoyed that he used my words against me. ' So what now? ' said American Bucks from the pilot chair. ' Where are we going? ' Bucks thought for a moment and said, ' Well, maybe since the meet-up with Dr. Potassium was trashed thanks to Morigon, we have to go with Plan B. ' ' Uh, what's Plan B? ' asked American Bucks. ' Simple. ' said Bucks. ' And I actually mean it. We should go to the island off of Japan where the temple is. Maybe that wreck of a place has something that'll help us. '

I was confused slightly, but they seemed to understand because they nodded at each other. For the rest of the plane flight to this island off of Japan, we just kinda vibed. I dozed off, American Bucks and Bucks took turns driving the plane, and when one of them wasn't flying they were resting or fidgeting with something. 

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