Chapter 18

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At the center of the group was none other than Kaodorah. ' Long time, no see. ' he said. ' I hope you're doing fine. ' ' I've been decent. ' I responded. He nodded slightly in response. ' Alright, let's get going then. We have much to do before Morigon comes back. ' he said. He motioned for me to come, but I hesitated. ' Wait, I have a question. ' I said. Kaodorah put on an expressionless face and said, ' What? '

' Well, uh, I have a question about this mind control thing. Everyone has been saying that I've been under it from you. ' I said. Kaodorah's face remained expressionless, but I could see right through him. He was getting nervous. What mind control thing? I don't have that far reach of power. Where did you hear this from? ' He responded.

' Bucks, American Bucks, Morigon, and a former scientist of yours. ' I said. ' A former scientist? Hm, I don't have anyone who has retired or left me yet. Are you sure you're not being lied to? Humans can be corrupt like that. ' responded Kaodorah.

I did take this into consideration. But then I remembered all those times that I couldn't really control myself, like at the temple. ' Well, I have proof.I sometimes can't really control myself. I do things that I didn't want to do. And that time you came to me in that void and told me that you would " help me ", what was that about? ' ' What do you mean? I was never in your head. You must be schizophrenic or just imagining things. '

He hesitated and also said, ' and you probably intentionally did anything you did subconsciously, and you can't blame me for your own actions. ' Damn this guy is good. I need a comeback. ' Well, you said humanity is terrible and that their cities' streets are filled with filth and sin? ' I said. Kaodorah nodded, and I continued, ' Well, I've been to several cities across the world,and the streets were rather peaceful but busy. There were shops and play areas. It was quite a sight. There wasn't any sin or filth. In fact I saw that there are sanitation requirements for something to exist. '

' You just caught them at a good time. Most of the time they are terrible and heartless. They'll kill each other and steal from one another if given the motivation. Once I come to destroy them, they will welcome me, because they know their wrongs and want me to cleanse them. ' responded Kaodorah. I'm about to laugh right now. This guy just gave me the weapon I needed.

' Well then. If they're all going to accept you, what's with all of the posters and signs saying to stop you? They talk about people who have lost their loved ones because of you. No one is happy with you. If anything, everyone is against you. ' I said. Kaodorah's straight face melted into a pissed one.

He angrily sighed and said, ' You just have to be a little smartass, don't you? ' ' At one point or another. ' I responded, feeling a little proud. ' Take the shot. ' said Kaodorah. Before I could react I felt something impale me, when I looked to see what it was, I saw that it was a dart. When I looked back at Kaodorah, everything was fuzzy and unclear. The last thing I could see was a slight smirk on his face and some of his goons coming up to me.

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