Chapter 21

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I was now in my full kaiju form. I crept up on the battle, and waited a little bit. They seemed to be fighting equally right now, but I knew it would start getting out of hand any moment. Sharax then managed to kinda throw Kaodorah to the side, but Kaodorah quickly recovered and was back up in seconds. However to my advantage his back was now facing towards me.

I waited a few moments before jumping out of the forest, and biting onto one of the middle head's horns on their head. I yanked down on the head, and it roared as I did so. As I was about to seemingly dislocate his neck, I felt something bite into my side, and I was ripped off him. Agh, screw that right head. When I got up, I saw that me, Sharax, and Kaodorah were in something like a stalemate triangle, glancing at each other.

Sharax looked at me and snarled. Clearly he hadn't gotten over what happened several days ago and was still pissed off about it. I was on his side, but clearly he hadn't taken notice of that. I decided to try to show him again, I ran up to Kaodorah, jumped, and bit onto the side of its head, keeping a decent grip. Sharax then came in and slammed into Kaodorah, grabbing the middle head by the throat.

I let go of the head as Sharax slammed Kaodorah into the side of a large hill side. It was only then I noticed that Morigon was firing in weapons at Sharax and Kaodorah. There were some directed at me, but not many. I decided to take out some of their tanks and such while Sharax had Kaodorah pinned against the hill. After destroying some of their things, I looked back to see that Kaodorah was making a turn in events, and managed to push Sharax off him.

Suddenly, Sharax charged at Kaodorah and rammed him into the hillside, again, stunning him this time. Sharax then turned his attention towards me, clearly not seeing I was on his side. He shot a beam which I swiftly dodged. ' Hey! We are on the same side! ' I yelled at him. Either he didn't care what I had to say or he didn't hear me because he lunged at me trying to bite me. Kaodorah recovered and shot a beam into Sharax's side.

I ran over and attempted to land a bite on the right head's neck. However, as I was just about to land it, Kaodorah's wing hit me, and the impact was hard enough that sent me over by where he had been pinned against the hill. Kaodorah took notice of this, but turned his attention back to Sharax. He charged up and shot his beam at Sharax, and Sharax also shot his beam.

The beams met, and none moved forward or backward. Then Kaodorah made an unexpectedly strong surge of his beam, and pushed Sharax back. He then flew up a bit and went into Sharax, and dragged him a bit before throwing him in an electrical power plant. Sparks flew everywhere as Sharax let out a roar of pain. Kaodorah assumed that his main opponent was out of the fight, so he turned my attention to me. I had recovered from the impact, and was ready to 1v1 this guy if I had to.

He flew up a bit, and was coming claws first at me. I jumped up at him and tried to latch onto where one of his wings joined with his torso. However I didn't position myself as great as I hoped to, and his claws caught onto my torso. I was jerked down and was practically pinned. I tried to claw at his l

egs, but it was in vain. The heads came close to me, and I tried to snap at them, which was uncoincidentally also a fail. ' You know, ' he said. ' It didn't have to end like this. You didn't have to turn against me. Then you wouldn't be so helpless and pathetic like this. ' ' Yeah, but it would never be the truth. Better to live in the bad truth than the likable lies. Especially of your lies, you bastard. ' I said.

This angered Kaodorah, and he said, ' Well, looks like that truth is about to be your own death! ' I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, and then looked back at Kaodorah and smirked, and said, ' Or will it? ' He was starting to charge his beam, but when he turned around to see what I was certain about, it looked like his heart stopped. Sharax was up again, only instead of white, he had a yellow glow that had spread across his body. He slowly rose and stared at Kaodorah with his eyes now glowing yellow. The electricity from the power plant must have supercharged him or something.

He roared, and charged up a beam. He then shot it at Kaodorah, and Kaodorah tried to counter this by shooting his own beam. However Kaodorah's beam was quickly overpowered by Sharax's, and Sharax's beam blew right into Kaodorah. Since he got off me, I moved to the side to see this phenomenon. Kaodorah's scales and hide were basically being incinerated by Sharax's, and when he put it wings up to protect himself they were gone into ashes in just moments. Things were calm for a moment. But it turned out this fight wasn't over yet as Sharax turned his head over looking directly at me. This wasn't going to be enjoyable.

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