Chapter 14

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I woke up to the sound of a ship's horn. I got up, and shook myself a bit, hitting my back and sides a bit against the sides of the kennel. I looked out the front part of it to see Bucks was there, fidgeting with a gray glove he had on. ' 5 minutes until arrival. ' said American Bucks. Bucks nodded and got up, going to the back of the plane.

When he came back, it looked like he had a harness. He messed with what seemed to be some buttons on the top of it for a moment. ' Alright. ' said Bucks. ' Since I don't feel like carrying around a kennel the entire time we're on this island, you're going to be wearing this special harness, because I don't trust you enough to let you roam freely. '

I did a slight eye roll as he explained it. ' Basically, after I put this on you it will tell me your location at all times, and will only let you go a certain distance away from me. After you breach that distance the harness will start acting like a shock collar, and the voltage gets higher every 2 meters you are out of the given range. It also alerts me whenever you breach it. ' Damn this guy really plans ahead.

He opened up the kennel. I tried to dash out, and let myself stretch a bit by running around. However Bucks perceived this as me trying to escape, and quickly grabbed onto my back neck scruff. So I just kinda hung from his hand as he put on the harness. After he got it on he put me down, and sat back down.

I assumed that he was allowing me to walk around now, so I did. I went around the plane, which was a little bigger than I perceived. I sniffed around and about, and I stopped right by the pilot's area. Maybe I can finally get a clear look at American Bucks. I went into the area, and there were a lot of buttons and levers. Strangely enough it seemed like there wasn't a co-pilot seat or anything.

I was about to investigate this one lever when I felt something hit me from the side. When I looked over to see what hit me ,I saw it was American Buck's hand! ' Don't mess with that, you'll crash the plane! ' he shouted at me. ' Well, at least don't hit me! ' I shouted back. ' Don't laugh, bark, whatever demonic noise you're making at me! ' He shouted in return. ' She just doesn't want you to hit her. ' said Bucks from the background.

' Wait, you can understand her? ' said American Bucks. ' Yes yes, of course I'm multilingual and can speak animal languages. No, I'm using a kaiju translator. And no, you can't use it. ' American Bucks seemed mostly upset about the last part, but other than that he pretty much shrugged it off and got ready for landing it.

When the plane successfully landed on the beach, I made sure I was close to Bucks. Since he didn't tell me how far the range was for the harness, I wanted to minimize the risk of any shocks. ' Alright. ' said Bucks. ' Anything familiar to you Charlie? ' I shook my head, even though this beach seemed somewhat familiar. Bucks sighed and we went into the forest. A few minutes later we came across an old dirt path.

' Alright, we'll follow this path for now. Hopefully that'll lead us to the temple. ' said Bucks as we started traveling down the path. As we went down the path, I started feeling funny. I would randomly have these weird short episodes where I saw myself going down this trail in that human form. This confused me and got overwhelming. I tried shaking my head to wear it off, but I ended up stumbling and almost tripping Bucks.

' Hey hey, watch where you're going. ' said Bucks. Surprisingly he was rather calm about this than angry. When I looked at him it was as if he knew what was going on. Strange. We kept going down the trail, and when it ended we were met with the sight of an old temple, overrun by vines and ferns. We walked up to the temple, and Bucks examined it.

' Welp, it'll take too long via the roof. Let's go through that side entrance. ' said Bucks, pointing by a door-shaped hole in the side of the temple. We went through the entrance, and after a few minutes of walking we came across a split in the path. ' I'll go left. ' said American Bucks. Well that solved that quickly. We then went our separate ways down the paths.

A few minutes after going down the path me and Bucks went down, I noticed the ceiling of the path was mostly loose rocks, along with the walls. I could also sense that a dead end was not far off. ( please don't ask why, it just works. ) I kept getting the thought and urge to try to cut off Bucks with these rocks and make a run for it. I did consider the idea, since it would help me with my objective.

A few minutes later, I felt this sudden controllability within myself, and I jerked forward in a stumble-like fall, making myself knock over some rocks, which caused a chain reaction which made some of the rocks on the ceiling to fall. Bucks looked back and shouted, ' Why Charlie you-! ' as the falling rocks cut him off.

I then made a dash for the exit of the tunnel. I quickly reached the end of it, and right when I was about the exit I heard 2 people talking. I quickly stopped myself and froze. ' Ugh, we must have, like, the most boring job in the company. Watching the outside of a dusty old temple will do nothing. Patient Zero is probably on the other side of the world for I care.'

It sounded like the other person agreed, and they continued their conversation, approaching by where I was. I was scared to do anything, because if I ran they'll see me, but if I stay here it's a 50:50 chance. They continued their conversation as they walked right by the entrance. It seemed like they weren't going to notice me! Then just one little large rock just had to fall in the background, because they then turned their heads into the cave and noticed me, and they were just as frozen as I was. 

' Is that them? ' said one of them. The other one hesitated and responded,' It looks like it. Adolfo, do you know what this means? We could get a raise and status within our comrades! ' This seemed to satisfy them both enough to point both of their rifles at me. Before they could do anything else I dashed off back into the cave. I was abruptly stopped by American Bucks, who shouted, ' Dammit Charlie! What did you do? Let alone, watch where you're going! '

Screw it. I'm making a run for it past those guards. I dashed as fast as I could towards the exit, despite the heavy resistance of this stupid harness. I ran right up and by the guards, attempting to go between them. Right as about half of my body was outside. I felt something pull on me. I then got pulled back suddenly, and I was hanging from my tail for a moment before being held by the harness.

Great. Just great. I tried to bite one of them in the neck or face, but redirected the bite into the air, since they had control of this from maneuvering my harness. They were about to leave when I heard American Bucks shout something, and he pulled out a handgun and started to open fire on the two. They dropped me and started firing their guns in return.

This was my perfect chance to escape, but I was not satisfied with just that. I wanted to get back at these guys. I growled and bit at one of the guy's legs, biting into it. Surprisingly, their armor was rather thin, because just seconds I could taste the metallic feel of blood. The guy I bit into shouted out and grabbed me by the back of my neck, throwing me into the side of the wall.

I was completely immobil for a few moments, since my spine took a direct hit to a rigid rock. After I made that recovery and was about to get up, I saw that Bucks had come and absolutely destroyed them, and left them knocked out against the other wall. He then looked directly at me as I got up. He looked rather upset and mad about what I did. He pulled out what seemed to be a small remote like thing, and started pressing some buttons on it.

'Welp. ' said Bucks. ' I thought maybe you wouldn't try anything, so I set the range originally to about 25 meters. But clearly I can't trust you liem that anymore. 2 meters is the new range. ' As he pressed a green button, I felt several voltage zaps, and went over to Bucks. ' Now then. ' said Bucks. ' We should hurry to the plane. It won't be long until other people notice that disturbance. '

We started to run back to where the plane landed. However, about halfway through the run, we started to hear footsteps behind us. American Bucks pulled out his gun and shot some large limbs that fell behind us, blocking off the path. We managed to reach the beach, but we were met with a group of about 5 armed people, who all had their guns pointed right at us.

' Hault! ' shouted one of them. ' Cease your movement, or we will open fire! ' American Bucks and Bucks were already pretty pissed off, and they didn't look like they wanted to deal with this. They both pulled out their guns and basically mowed them down in moments. We quickly got in the plane and were off. For the few moments I could look out the side, I saw that a larger group had just come out of the dense forest, and were attempting to open fire at us.However we were far out of range by the time they started to open fire. 

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