Chapter 17

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When I woke up, it was a bit after dawn. I couldn't move, but I could see my surroundings. I had washed up on a gray beach, and there was debris everywhere from the incident. The skies were partly cloudy, and still a bit beautifully painted from dawn. The only negative right now other than being immobile at the moment was that I had a terrible headache. After a few minutes I was finally able to stand up, however this heavily strained my head.

Damn that piece of metal debris had more serious effects than I thought. After I started walking around the beach for a little while, my headache started to fade. That was good, seeing that I didn't need Morphin. I also noticed that my harness was off. I looked around, and amongst the leftovers of the fight on the beach were rather large chunks of concrete, metal, and even parts of control centers and cannons. Unfortunately I saw that there were corpses spread across several parts, but most of them were by what used to be control centers.

I started to investigate one of the pieces of ruble when I suddenly heard a few voices not far away. I quickly got underneath a piece of concrete and went as far back as I could, seeing that the back end of it was a wall. When the people got closer, I saw that there were two of them, and they were both Morigon. ' So, what now? ' said one of them. ' I can't find any radios that aren't broken, so we're basically stranded with Kaodorah's bastards. ' The other one thought for a moment and said,

' Well, one benefit is that Patient Zero is most likely here, and if we safely get her to the home base we could get a lot of benefits. Besides, maybe we can reverse whatever mind control Kaodorah put on her. ' They sounded like they were in agreement here, and continued their walk down the beach. Once they were out of my hearing, I got out from underneath the rubble. Note to self, there are survivors here that still want you as a lab rat and some human weapon.

I then remembered that this is the same island Kaodorah could be on. It would be nice to see him again, but what about Bucks and American Bucks? Are they okay? I then heard gun fire not far off. Maybe that's them! Just to be precautious I went to the sound via the rather dense forest. A few minutes later I caught sight of the scene. American Bucks was alone, well other than about 5 Morigon agents. 4 of them were already dead by the time I got there, and American Bucks was just finishing off the fifth.

He then went down to one of the bodies and took the shades off them. ' God I gotta get new ones once I get back to my place. These are the 30 cent kind. ' I started to approach him, and he turned around. He flinched and pulled his gun out, then he sighed as he lowered his gun and said, ' Jesus Christ Charlie, you scared me. Before you ask, I haven't found Bucks yet. '

We then just kinda stood there in silence for a few minutes. ' So what now? ' said American Bucks. I shrugged, and we went back to silence. American Bucks sat down, and I sat next to him, and we both sat in silence. ' Hey guys. ' [ Insert camera zoom out ] It was Bucks! ' Alright, so we're all alive at the moment. That's good. ' said Bucks. ' And..wait. Charlie, where's your harness? ' ' It came off while I was in the water. ' I said. Bucks seemed a bit suspicious of it, and to help redeem myself I also said,

' Well, I've heard it from just about everyone. This mind control thing you guys said I'm under is kinda believable. I'm more on your side now. ' ' Took long enough. ' said Bucks. ' But great. Now, we have to plan something since the original plan got screwed. ' They both thought for a moment before American Bucks said, ' Well, we can go back to my universe and get the American Boys for a full on assault. '

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