Chapter 323

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"Mommy!", small soft hands hitting my cheeks. I open my eyes to see Blythe holding a daisy in front of my face. A smile spreading.

"Good morning sweetheart", her green eyes locking into mine.

"Happy Mother's Day mommy!", she screams a laugh sounding.

My eyes wander over to Harry standing in the doorway, a black matte suit covering his body that somehow seems to still catch the perfect amount of light.

"This is for you love", Harry smiles walking over to me with a red dress over his arm, matching the color of Blythe's big fluffy one.

I sit up, the cold head board making me shiver as I slowly lay on it. Their matching eyes watch me as I hold the dress up in front of my silhouette.

"Pretty", Blythe's small arms wrapping around my leg, her curly blonde hair pinned back in the front with a small red flower.

"Why are we going to dinner so early?", my ponytail swinging around to meet Harry.

"Babe it's 5:00", he chuckles, his shoes tapping against the wood as he walks towards me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders placing a kiss on his pink lips, Blythe's arms moving to cover her eyes.

"Ew", she says running out of the room dragging her stuffed rabbit behind.

"Thank you Harry", he replies by simply kissing the top of my head.

"Tell me when you're ready love", his eyes sparkling from the small lamp beside my bed.

I let the hot water run over my face, not bothering to wipe it. My hair smells of strawberries now and I'm completely clean. My freshly painted nails wrap a soft white towel around my bare body sure to be secured.

I swipe on a bit of mascara and a coat of pigmented red lipstick curling the ends of my blonde locks pinning up the front so it's out of my face.

My red dress slips over my body not messing up my hair or barely noticeable mascara. Feet slipping into a pair of black stilettos then spraying one spritz of perfume.

"Mommy!", Blythe calls out her small feet running towards me catching Harry's attention.

"Wow", he breathes, the corners of his plump pink lips lifting.

"Wow", Blythe repeats making me stifle a laugh.

Harry's arms wrap around me and I do the same, digging my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent.

"I love you", his arms gripping harder.

"I love you", I say after him.

Harry's big hand snakes around my waist his other one holding Blythe, her small fingers getting lost in his curls.

"Blythe honey do you have to potty before we take our table?", I ask my daughter.

Instead of speaking she shakes her head rapidly, blonde hair swaying. Her green eyes closed only to open once her head stills.

Harry's POV.

My hand rests on top of Tessa's thigh rubbing small circles, this place is packed that our food still isn't here and I can see Blythe growing sleepy as she lays her blonde curls on my shoulder.

"What I'm hungry?", she tells me as I watch her scarf down her Alfredo.

How the fuck can someone still look so fucking attractive when they are stuffing their face? My thoughts making me chuckle.

"That was good", She says as we take our last bite in unison.

The car ride home is quiet but the air is thin. The radio plays soft tunes as we drive down the crowded streets turning ever so often.

I groan trying to unlock the door with the keys, this isn't easy while holding a sleeping child.

"Here I'll do it", she giggles pushing the key into the lock and turning it revealing the inside of our home.

I turn into Blythe's room that has been painted pink over the last year, she doesn't really like the green laying her onto her bed still asleep.

Tessa's eyes lock with mine as her dress falls to the floor, my feet striding to her immediately.

Tessa's POV.

Harry's lips crash with mine like someone falling miles onto a mess of pillows. Our lips move slow but are filled with love only taking breaths when we are both gasping.

Harry grabs on to the back of my thighs signaling me to jump around his hips both of us lying on to the bed. His messy hair around his face and mine sprawled across the bed.

"I love you", I breathe into the kiss.

"I love you", he repeats.

His rough hands unbuckle my bra and then wander down to the hem of my panties removing them too.

I whimper when his lips leave from mine but the lost feeling soon subsides as he trails kisses down my body all the way to my sensitive spot sucking gently on the skin.

"Harry", I moan my fingers locked in his hair.

"You're always so fucking ready for me Tess, even after all the time", he chuckles into the area making me moan even more.

My teeth come in contact with the skin on the inside of my hand and he inserts me without warning. A deep moan sounding from his swollen lips.

I grip the sheets as he fastens his pace, throwing my head back to call his name.

Ended with a couple more thrusts until we both reach our climax, my breathing faster than ever.

"I love you", I whisper as I feel his breathing slow down as a sign that he's sleeping.

I believe part of the reason why we hold on to something so tight is because we fear being parted from it, losing it, being deprived from it, but we mainly fear that something so amazing won't happen twice.

And someone this amazing won't come around twice..

Oh crap! Well this is the end of After 4 guys!! I hope you like it ! I might make an epilogue I don't really know, only if you guys want it! I love you guys! Thanks for everything I'm about the start my new book that is also a Harry Styles fanfic and it's called 'no control'. Please read it !

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