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"I don't care what you do, I want everything on his new wife. He will pay for this." Valentina's voice echoed through the spacious office as she paced back and forth, her expression a mixture of anger and determination. The men scurried out, leaving her alone with her thoughts. She had underestimated Zephyr, and now she would make him pay for it.

Her perfectly manicured hands clenched into fists at her sides as she thought about how things had escalated to this point. If only her men had done their job correctly the first time around, they wouldn't be in this mess. But Zephyr's retaliation showed that there was more at play here; he had real, deep feelings for his new wife.

Valentina had been watching Zephyr since she first laid eyes on him at an event years ago. His dark hair and brooding eyes had caught her attention immediately, and she had been determined to win him over ever since. She had tried using charm, then money, but he always rebuffed her advances. Yet she couldn't let go of her obsession with him. As a woman who clawed her way up from the ashes of her family's downfall to become a powerful figure in the criminal underworld, Valentina didn't back down from a challenge.

She even went as far as to offer Zephyr a marriage proposal, a convenient arrangement that would serve both their interests (though Valentina had ulterior motives). But he shut her down quickly, showing no interest in anything she offered. This rejection only made her want him more, turning him into a prize to be won.

But she couldn't let Zephyr know any of this. She maintained her icy demeanor, hiding the intensity of her feelings for him. Still, she found herself constantly observing his every move and decision. His determination and ruthlessness in his business dealings fascinated her and only drew her deeper into the maze of her infatuation with him.

Then came the news of Zephyr's marriage, and it felt like a slap in the face. This was more than just a business arrangement or a traditional marriage; it was a clear sign that she had lost him for good. The fact that he had chosen someone else over her was both enraging and humiliating. It was surprising news, certainly unexpected. He was never the type to settle down, always moving from one woman to the next. His reputation as a confirmed bachelor was well-established in their circles. Yet, now there he was: married. His wife, a cop nonetheless–a decision that was both unexpected and reckless. This only fueled Valentina's obsession even further, making her curious about what kind of woman could tame someone like Zephyr.

She strode over to her desk, her eyes fixated on the miniature liquor cart. Her perfectly manicured hand reached for the heavy crystal decanter, filled with amber liquid as she poured herself a large drink. She downed it in one gulp before pouring another, the slight burn in her throat barely registering as she swallowed it down. She placed the glass back on the table and spun it slowly as she considered her next move.

Valentina knew now that she had underestimated Zephyr's cunning nature. His marriage wasn't an impulsive act of love or passion; it was strategic. Marrying a cop gave him an added layer of protection and a powerful shield to wield when needed. He was cleverer than she ever gave him credit for, but this would not deter her from pursuing him. In fact, it only ignited her determination even more.

"You won't get away from me Zephyr. I will have you, one way or another. And your wife will go down with you." Valentina's voice echoed against the stone walls of the empty room as she spoke her threats to the air. Her eyes glinted with a dangerous determination, fueled by her conniving nature and relentless ambition. With power derived from wealth and connections, she was not an enemy to be underestimated.

* * *

Weeks had passed since any progress had been made in the case. The team was no closer to finding the website where the victims were targeted or how they were abducted without any witnesses. Three more abductions had occurred, followed by an unsettling silence. This could only mean one thing - their culprits had moved on to another country, leaving them with no leads.

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