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It's going to be a good day, I chanted to myself as I finished dressing for work. Nonna had an emergency and had to leave the next afternoon, sparing us from Zephyr and Luca's reckless plan. It was a relief beyond words.

But today was not just any other day - it was the day we would finally catch Esposito. After weeks of searching, Elsa had tracked him down in a small town called Sirmione. Our team was determined to apprehend him before he could disappear again.

I grabbed the key for one of the vehicles since mine was still in need of a new engine, and I wasn't going to spend another penny on that garbage. Zephyr wasn't too pleased when the previous vehicle returned with bullet holes, but he let it pass because of what happened. The guards bid me goodbye as I drove with purpose and rage fueling my every move. Today, I would avenge Stella's death and make sure Esposito paid for his crimes.

The drive to Sirmione was long and exhausting, but our relentless determination kept our spirits high. We passed through the breathtakingly serene Italian countryside, with olive groves stretching out endlessly and their silvery leaves shimmering in the sunlight. Vibrant vineyards rolled across the landscape like a vibrant carpet, providing a perfect contrast to the sparkling blue waters of Lake Garda.

"It's good to have you back, Nila," Dante said as he took a seat next to me in the vehicle. I forced a smile in return, but my eyes couldn't hide the pain and anger still burning within me.

"How is everyone holding up?" I asked, even though I had only been gone for a few days. We were all still reeling from Stella's death - her empty office at headquarters and vacant seat in our vehicle serving as constant reminders of her absence.

"We're all determined to catch this son of a bitch and bring justice for Stella," Dante replied solemnly. We shared one goal, and we weren't going to stop until we achieved it.

We parked the vehicle a safe distance away from Esposito's hideout - a nondescript stone cottage. The curtains were drawn, but the shadows dancing behind them alerted us.

"We need to proceed with caution," I instructed my team as we prepared to make our move. "We don't know what we're walking into, and I won't risk any more casualties." Dante's reassuring hand on my shoulder was the only thing keeping me grounded amidst the rising tension. We should have waited until nightfall for better cover, but we couldn't afford to give Esposito any time to plan his escape.

As we approached the cottage, every crunch of gravel under our boots felt like an echoing gunshot in the stillness of the night. My grip tightened around my weapon as every instinct screamed danger, but we had come too far to turn back now.

Just as we reached the front door, a muffled shout erupted from inside. Without hesitation, we picked up our pace and burst through the door just in time to see Esposito holding a woman hostage with a knife pressed against her throat.

Surprise flashed in his widened eyes at the sight of us, barely concealed by his sneering expression. "I guess you found me quicker than expected," he taunted.

"Let her go, Esposito!" My voice rang out commandingly as I aimed my gun at him. The woman trembled violently as she struggled against his hold, her terrified eyes pleading for help.

"Why should I?" Esposito's laughter was cold and menacing as he pressed the blade harder against the woman's neck. She whimpered in fear, tears streaming down her face. "You have no authority over me."

"We're not asking," I retorted sharply, my voice unwavering. Dante and our team had their guns trained on Esposito, ready to take action at a moment's notice. We had him cornered, and we wouldn't let him escape again.

His Hidden Treasure (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now