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The anticipation of the party pulsed through the air, mingling with the chatter and laughter of the gathering crowd. Despite not knowing many of the attendees, the intimate setting calmed my nerves. Michael had returned the night before, joining us for dinner along with Zephyr's cousin, Renato, whose flirtatious advances toward me seemed to annoy Zephyr.

Orillia had selected a stunning dress for me that seemed almost too extravagant for the occasion, yet I couldn't resist its allure. As I slipped into the smooth satin material, the poppy red hue contrasted my tan skin, almost giving me a glow. The asymmetric skirt swirled around my legs in a playful dance, adding an elegant touch to the ensemble.

Zephyr entered the room, his presence commanding attention as usual. He sported a red shirt that perfectly matched my dress, clearly a well-planned detail by Orillia. His intense gaze locked onto mine and I felt a surge of electricity shoot through my veins. There was a primal hunger in his eyes that stirred something deep within me.

With deliberate movements, he approached me and offered his hand to help. As his fingers brushed against my skin, I couldn't suppress a shiver. He expertly tied the corset laces at the back of my dress with surprising gentleness for someone known for their roughness.

"Nice dress," he murmured in a low, husky voice. His lips grazed against the nape of my neck and I couldn't contain a gasp as warmth spread through my body.

"I...Orillia picked it," I managed to stutter out, consumed by his touch.

"Hmm," he replied, stepping back to admire our reflections in the mirror. Our gazes met once again in the polished surface.

My eyes briefly flickered down to where his hands rested on my hips before meeting his intense gaze once more. The uncomfortable flutter inside me grew stronger, torn between the urge to flee from the charged atmosphere and the inexplicable pull drawing me closer to Zephyr.

"Are you ready?" he asked after a moment, his question charged with an underlying intensity. I hesitated for a moment, caught between conflicting desires. But I forced myself to nod, determined not to let my emotions show on the surface.

A faint smile tugged at Zephyr's lips, but there was something unreadable lurking in his eyes. Without another word, he offered me his arm and I looped mine through his, feeling the warmth of his touch seep through the fabric of his suit.

Together, we weaved our way through clusters of animated conversations and laughter. The heady mix of perfume and cologne filled the air, mingling with the tantalizing aroma of hors d'oeuvres.

As we made our way deeper into the heart of the party, I couldn't resist stealing glances at Zephyr, his sharp profile illuminated by the soft glow of ambient lighting. There was an enigmatic quality to him that both fascinated and unsettled me, like a puzzle waiting to be unravelled.

Suddenly, Renato's voice cut through my thoughts as he jovially called out Zephyr's name. I turned to see him making his way towards us with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Zephyr's expression remained stone-faced as Renato approached us, his arm still linked with mine. "Zephyr, mio caro cugino," Renato exclaimed, slapping him on the back with a familiarity that bordered on insolence. "Buon compleanno."

Zephyr responded with a curt nod, his gaze flickering briefly to me before returning to Renato. "Tieni gli occhi per te, cugino," he replied tersely, barely masking a subtle warning beneath his words.

(*Translation: "Keep your eyes to yourself, cousin.")

A tense silence settled between the three of us, but not before Renato sent a wink my way and I struggled to suppress my laughter.

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