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"Are you enjoying yourself, Nila?" Michael asked as he joined me in the library. I was nestled by a window seat, reading a gripping thriller novel that had me on the edge of my seat. The pouring rain added to the mood.

It was hard to hold a grudge for so long against a man who cared so deeply for his wife and son that I had put the book down to end this animosity between us. I watched as he skimmed the shelves of books, looking for something in particular.

"Why me?" I asked finally, the question that had settled uncomfortably in the pit of my stomach.

He stopped his search and looked at me. It's been a question nagging me, and I had to know. Why did he insist I marry his son? What does it get out of it?

"Because..." Michael's voice trailed off, his eyes searching mine as if trying to find the right words to explain. He sighed heavily before continuing. "Because of your courageous spirit Nila."

"That can't be the only reason. There are tons of women out there who would have married Zephyr willingly without the need to blackmail, so I ask again. Why me?" I pressed, needing to understand his motivations fully as I could tell he was hiding something.

Michael smiled sadly, a hint of regret flickering in his eyes. "Because you remind me of my wife," he confessed softly, his voice barely audible over the drumming rain outside. "Because in you, I see the same spark, the same passion that captivates my heart when I'm with Orillia. And I want the same for Zephyr. I want his happiness over all."

His words hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of old books and the distant rumble of thunder. At that moment, I realized the weight of his expectations, his hopes resting squarely on my shoulders. But did I trust him?

"How did you and Orillia meet?" I thought it was fair to ask since he brought it up.

Michael smiled, a twinkle in his eye as he reminisced. "She's a beautiful and feisty woman, and I was in love with her from the moment our eyes met at a charity event. My family was always involved in this line of work, but we were less important than Orillia's family. So when they had an event, it was definitely surprising to receive an invitation. I never met any of Nonna's children till that day. In fact, when I saw Orillia, she looked like any other guest; I could never tell she was the Capa's daughter.

"But she had this aura about her, a fiery spirit that set her apart from the rest. I was drawn to her like a moth to flame. In a room full of people, all well-dressed and elegant, Orillia was the only one who seemed real."

"In what way?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. I coudln't disagree; Orillia was anything but ordinary.

"Well," Michael said, running a hand through his hair as he leaned against the bookshelf. "Orillia has always followed her heart, regardless of what society dictates. She never flaunted her family name, choosing instead to let her intelligence and beauty speak for themselves. She was...different; a woman who didn't fit the stereotypes I'd so often encountered in our circle."

"And you managed to win her over?" I asked, intrigued more than I cared to admit.

Michael chuckled as he walked over and took a seat across from me. "It wasn't easy. She was fierce, independent, and had a mind of her own. Every time I thought I had made some progress, there would be a setback. But that was what made her so compelling."

"I can imagine," I mused aloud, feeling a surge of respect for Orillia. It wasn't hard to see why she had enthralled Michael; strong and fearless qualities resonated deeply within me.

He nodded, his gaze distant as he looked out the window, lost in memories. "I asked her for a dance, and when she took my hand and our eyes locked, I knew I was lost. Her eyes were like a turbulent sea that could draw you in and wash you away. And I was a willing shipwreck."

His Hidden Treasure (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now