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"Get out!" I erupted, hurling another piece of exquisite decor at the door Zephyr just closed, leaving me alone in my bedroom. His chuckle echoed down the hall, further fuelling my frustration. My blood seethed as I stormed into the hallway.

"You don't get to decide where you sleep, asshole!" I shouted after him, but he was already gone. My shoulders slumped in defeat as I closed the door again, retreating back into my sanctuary. My bed looked so inviting, the sheets still warm from Zephyr's body heat, yet a bitter taste lingered in my mouth. I slumped on the edge of the bed, burying my face in my hands.

It has been over a week since he effortlessly made himself at home, invading not only my space but also my bed. My first follow-up appointment went relatively well, but I was still not cleared for duty. One way or another, I always woke up with him next to me in bed. I was usually a light sleeper, but the pain medication I took, did a great job of knocking me out.

Reaching out to the other side of the bed, the crumpled sheets clung to his scent—a mix of leather and fresh pine that had become oddly comforting. Slapping myself back to reality, I stripped the bed bare in frustration before stepping into the shower. My arm, now free from a sling, showed progress, and the ugly bruise and slight burn were healing well. My sore throat felt much better, healing from Zephyr's herbal teas; He forced me to drink the repulsive flavour thrice daily, as he stubbornly stood guard until I emptied the mug. It was both irritating yet endearing.

As I stepped out of the shower, a plush towel enveloped me, and I caught a glimpse of myself in the foggy bathroom mirror. My dark circles were faint, having gotten more sleep these past few days. My hair had more life, and I seemed to even have an unexplainable glow on my face. I wasn't sure if the universe was trying to send me a message or if I was just well-rested for a change. Dressing in a simple yet comfortable attire, I exited the bathroom, contemplating whether to face Zephyr or retreat to the solitude of my bedroom. The scent of fresh pine lingered in the air, a constant reminder of his presence. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself for whatever confrontation awaited me beyond the bedroom door.

As I entered the living room, the remnants of Zephyr's makeshift workspace greeted me. Papers scattered, laptop open, and the faint click-clack of keys being typed echoed in the room. He looked up, those piercing eyes meeting mine. A tension hung in the air, and I ignored his presence and continued with the routine we've had going on. I uncovered the mug housing the nasty herbal concoction, though it worked like a charm. I had become acquainted to the taste...somehow, blowing on the still piping hot liquid, bracing myself for the unpleasant ritual - large, reluctant sips, accompanied by moments of involuntary gagging. Alright, fine, I bullshitted. That mug of nastiness? Still just as gross as day one.

Zephyr's gaze never left me as I choked down the concoction. His lips twitched as he tried to suppress a smile. "You're getting better at that," he said.

I shot him a glare, my throat still burning from the foul-tasting liquid. "Shut up." He chuckled softly, turning back to his work, but not before I caught the glint of amusement in his eyes. The day passed much like any other: me trying to keep out of Zephyr's way while he continued his mysterious work on his laptop. He seemed utterly absorbed in whatever he was doing, barely acknowledging my existence except for the occasional demand for more coffee. Though I never complained as he was taking care of me, and made us all the meals...well ordered food for us anyway.

I took out my own laptop, continuing the work I've been doing, taking notes and comparing the files on the USB drive to those of my own. So far, I've had a few names come up, and with the proof in the videos, we were able to make less than a dozen arrests. Though, it was better than nothing. Like we predicted, the news of the house blowing up made headlines for days, alerting the gangs and giving them plenty of time to evacuate.

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