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I gripped the gun tighter, rising to my feet. Confusion and fear swirled in my mind as I assessed the situation. I didn't recognize the man standing in front of me, but based on Terry's files, he was supposed to be working alone. My heart pounded in my chest as I pushed Steven behind me, refusing to let go of my own weapon.

"I'm not going to ask again," the man growled, his voice dripping with malice. "Drop the weapon or else you both die." I knew I couldn't take any chances, so I slowly raised my hands in surrender, lowering my gun to the ground. As soon as I saw his defenses drop the slighest, I took my chance and shot him in the leg. With a cry of pain, he stumbled backwards and I grabbed Steven's hand, pulling him around the corner for cover.

Dante saw his opportunity and took it, firing at Terry while he was distracted by his injured partner. But there was still one more suspect on the loose. I quickly motioned to Dante, who obeyed and moved to cover the other side of the room while I kept Steven close by my side. We turned in unison, ready for whatever may come next. But when we looked, our target was nowhere to be found.

"Where is he?" I shouted out to Dante, my eyes darting around frantically for any sign of movement. But then I noticed something - small droplets of blood leading back down the staircase.

"He's making a run for it!" I exclaimed, my adrenaline surging as I holstered my weapon and bolted down the stairs without hesitation. Dante protested behind me, but I had no time to argue. The trail of blood led me outside and into the back alleyway, where I could see the suspect's limping figure running ahead.

Without a second thought, I took off after him, my feet pounding against the pavement as I focused all of my energy on catching up. He must have heard me closing in because suddenly he veered to the side and grabbed a woman who was sitting at an outdoor table outside one of the nearby restaurants. I skidded to a stop, my gun instinctively trained on his chest as the crowd around us scattered in fear. The woman in his arms whimpered, her eyes pleading with me for help.

"You should have listened to me on the roof, detective," the suspect sneered, his grip on the woman tightening as he pressed his gun to her temple.

I held my ground, determination burning in my gaze as I calmly responded, "It's agent. And who exactly are you?" The man let out a mocking laugh, his leg injury still bleeding but not enough to slow him down. I had hit him in a non-vital area, which meant that his major blood loss would only come from exertion and adrenaline-fueled escape attempts. But I wasn't going to let him get away. Not when I had questions that needed answers.

"Do I fucking look stupid?" He retorted, but I was distracted by Dante cursing through the radio, and my hand automatically went to silence it.

"Well, how I see it, you're injured and have no way out of this," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "You might as well tell me who you are before I find out for myself." My eyes scanned the area around us, taking in the chaotic scene outside the restaurant. People were running and screaming, trying to escape the crossfire.

The unknown man's expression changed. He seemed to be pondering his options, his eyes frantically searching for an escape route. Suddenly, he started walking backward into the crowded restaurant. I followed him, my weapon still aimed at him, as swarms of customers ran for the exit, while some hid under their tables.

"Don't do it," I warned him, trying to reason with him. "This is not going to end well for you." But either the blood loss was affecting his judgment or he was just plain reckless. He pushed the hostage hard into me as I helped her stabilize herself. She clung to me for support, fear etched on her face.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, making sure to not lose sight of him. She nodded and I ran after the man, following his trail through the crowded restaurant. Guests were screaming and ducking under their tables to avoid being shot. I finally caught up to him on a rooftop patio. Only a few seats were filled but still one too many.

His Hidden Treasure (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang