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I waited alongside Luca and Zephyr as the doctor examined the two women. From what I had gathered and based on the brief surveillance footage, it was evident that they showed signs of beatings and bruising.

Their bodies showed clear signs of abuse – bruises and cuts peppered their skin, and the marks on their wrists were evidence of being restrained. These women, barely in their twenties, were emaciated and clad in dirty rags.

Finally, the doctor gave us the go-ahead to speak with them. Zephyr prepared to interrogate them, but I intervened.

"I think it would be better if I go. They're clearly traumatized, and your presence might only agitate them further," I explained to Zephyr, who reluctantly agreed.

"Fine, but maintain a safe distance," he cautioned, to which I nodded in agreement.

As I watched the monitors showing the two women's fearful expressions, I gathered two water bottles and entered the room with a gentle smile. Their eyes widened at the sight of me, and they recoiled in fear. "It's okay," I reassured them softly. "You're safe now. No one is going to hurt you."

I offered them the water bottles, watching as they took them hesitantly with trembling hands. Following Zephyr's instructions, I sat at a safe distance and began to talk to them.

Offering them the water bottles, I watched as they accepted them hesitantly, their trembling fingers gripping tightly. Seating myself at a distance as instructed by Zephyr, I initiated a conversation.

"My name is Nila. I'm here to try and help you," I told them gently. "What are your names?"

After exchanging a few glances and taking sips of water, the taller woman spoke up, "I'm Lillian, and this is Rachel."

"Good. Can you tell me what happened? Who did this to you?" I asked, trying to read their body language and expressions for anything they may not be saying.

The two women exchanged wary looks before Rachel spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper. "We...we don't remember much. We were taken from our homes, blindfolded, and held captive. We managed to escape when they were moving us and ended up here."

Listening sympathetically, I probed for more details. "Do you remember anything about the men? Their faces or any distinctive features?"

Their gazes grew distant as they recalled their ordeal. After a moment, one of them mentioned, "One of them had a voice like gravel."

"Gravel," I echoed, making a mental note of this detail. It could mean something down the line. "Anything else? Something they said or did, a smell or accent that stood out?"

Their eyes grew distant, their gazes unfocused as they dove into their recent traumatic memories. After what felt like an eternity, Lillian spoke again.

"One of them...always ended his sentences with 'Capisce?' He had a harsh voice with a thick Italian accent."

"That's helpful," I acknowledged, hiding any unease I felt. "Thank you for the information. Get some rest, and I'll see you both in the morning." The women seemed to relax slightly after our conversation, their bodies loosening just a fraction.

Returning to Luca and Zephyr, I could sense their questioning looks directed at me. "What are you thinking?" Luca asked curiously.

"I think I have something," I replied confidently as I excused myself to retrieve my laptop.

Back in the office, I delved into my work database, cross-referencing the information provided by the women. Zephyr's intense gaze never left me as I worked, his brows furrowed in deep thought.

His Hidden Treasure (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now